The Future Of Birth Family Search Looks Bleak.

We Are NOT Going To Sugar Coat This.

Greetings from a hypothetical NCRC in July 2025.

So, umm, imagine a situation where the 4 major Korean Adoption Agencies are chronically and deliberately understaffed, with just a handful of birth family search workers to process all requests from Adoptees around the world.

Now imagine that the Korean Government Agency NCRC (National Center for the Rights of the Child) is chronically and deliberately underfunded and understaffed, with just a handful of birth family search workers to process all requests from Adoptees around the world.

Now imagine that a major FRONTLINE / AP documentary comes out worldwide, just months before ALL Korean Adoption Agency adoption files are slated to move to the Korean Government Agency NCRC in July 2025. The documentary awakens thousands of Korean Adoptees worldwide, causing them to flood Korean Adoption Agencies and NCRC with requests.

Umm, you don't have to imagine this, because this is exactly what is happening.

If you are looking for an issue to focus on - it's NCRC. They are the future of ALL of our Korean adoption files, and the Korean Government has deliberately underfunded their birth family search division for years. They do not have the budget, building, or staff to handle this massive transfer of adoption files.


FOR KSS (Korea Social Service Adoptees):

Please request your KSS files now if you have any interest in birth family search. 

See the "Illustrated Step By Step Guide" halfway down this page:



Links To Information Relevant To ALL Korean Adoptees