This page is for KSS (Korea Social Service) Adoptees ONLY.

This page is NOT relevant to Adoptees who were adopted through:

-Eastern Social Welfare Society (ESWS) - formerly Eastern Child Welfare Society (ECWS)
-Social Welfare Society (SWS)
/ now Korea Welfare Society (KWS)

If you are adopted through any Korean Adoption Agency which is NOT KSS, please see:

Korean Adoptee Starter Guide:

Join the FREE Ecosystem of Fellow KSS (Korea Social Service) Adoptees.

Time is of the essence as KSS Adoption Files move to the Korean Government Agency NCRC in July 2025!

Responses to KSS Adoptee Birth Family Search Requests AFTER the files move from KSS to NCRC will likely be SIGNIFICANTLY DELAYED!!!

KSS Adoptees frequently report feeling overwhelmed by adoption information and by the thought of doing birth family search. We are here to help and support you!

We cannot more strongly urge KSS (Korea Social Service) Adoptees to request a birth family search
AND their formerly secret “KOREAN Adoptive Child Study Summary” from KSS by EARLY 2025! KSS did not begin to provide this document for Adoptees until around Summer 2021, so if you have not specifically requested it through KSS’ official forms, you are unlikely to have it! KSS has a 1-4 month turnaround time now, so DO NOT wait until July 2025 to act, or you will be too late! (In theory KSS Adoptees will be able to request a birth family search and their “KOREAN Adoptive Child Study Summary” from NCRC after files move to the Korean Government in July 2025, but we predict that this process could be a mess for YEARS. Therefore we strongly urge KSS Adoptees to act as soon as possible!!!

Please read below for more information about how to officially request a birth family search AND your “KOREAN Adoptive Child Study Summary” from KSS.
Please note that this is a document unique to KSS Adoptees! Please DO NOT contact KSS if you are NOT a KSS (Korea Social Service) Adoptee as this will waste severely limited resources!!!

We are happy to help KSS Adoptees with this process for FREE!

FREE Services offered by EXPERIENCED fellow KSS Adoptees

  • FREE Review of your completed KSS Birth Family Search forms:

    • We highly recommend that you allow us to review your KSS birth family search forms for FREE BEFORE you submit them to KSS! Having reviewed countless such forms for KSS Adoptees, we know that almost everyone makes crucial MISTAKES on these forms, which can cost them YEARS of wasted time!

      Please allow us to review your forms for FREE BEFORE you email them to KSS! We will quickly get back to you and point out any mistakes on your forms. You can email us your completed forms to: - please do NOT send us any photo ID, though you will need to send a copy of your photo ID with your forms when you email KSS.

    • For complete instructions on how to CORRECTLY fill out your KSS birth family search forms in order to request a birth family search and request your formerly secret “KOREAN Adoptive Child Study Summary”, please see the “Illustrated Step By Step Guide” about halfway down the page here - please be sure to follow the GRAPHICS for filling out the forms:

      Step By Step KSS Birth Family Search:

  • FREE referral of PAID Translation Services:

    • We can connect you to reliable PAID translation services in Korea and other resources. We do NOT take any commission from our referrals. 

    • We also highly recommend using ChatGPT for “recreationallevel translation of Korean text.

    • *Please be sure to use a real, live translator for any important translation of information related to birth family search. NEVER purely rely on automatic translators (such as ChatGPT, Google Translate, or Papago) for IMPORTANT information such as birth parent name/s, address/es, etc. Automatic translators can frequently get information WRONG and you want to be sure information is correctly translated before using it for birth family search.

  • Join our PRIVATE Facebook Group:
    KSS Cribmates

    • This is a PRIVATE forum for KSS Adoptees ONLY. Join over 1,000 other KSS Adoptees who were adopted to the US, Netherlands, Denmark and Switzerland from 1965-2012. Connect with the global KSS Adoptee community for support, advice, and the sharing of helpful information!

      • Please be sure to answer the membership questions when you join! If you do not know the answers, just write “I don’t know” and be sure to reach out to us via email at 

      • *Please note that we may have difficulty contacting you to confirm if you are a KSS Adoptee if you do not answer the membership questions or do not contact us via email.

      • We will NOT admit to KSS Cribmates those who:

        • Have empty or completely new Facebook profiles 

        • Do not have any visible photos of themselves on their Facebook profile

        • Are obviously not Korean or part-Korean

        • Please contact us at if you are a legitimate KSS Adoptee who wishes to join KSS Cribmates and any of the above apply to you.

  • FREE Zoom Sessions for KSS Adoptees

    • We offer a FREE Zoom session for KSS Adoptees who have questions about filling out their KSS birth family search forms. We ask that KSS Adoptees who plan to request a birth family search and / or their “KOREAN Adoptive Child Study Summary” to FIRST read over the “Illustrated Step By Step Guide” about halfway down this page before requesting a Zoom:

      Step By Step KSS Birth Family Search:

  • *KSS Adoptees can email us with any questions, anytime:

    • We will respond quickly to your requests!

    • Please note that if you are NOT a KSS Adoptee, we offer PAID Advisory Sessions via Zoom. We apologize but we simply cannot go into your case for free if you are NOT a KSS Adoptee, due to our limited resources and the huge number of Korean Adoptees who all have similar issues and requests. We encourage those who are not KSS Adoptees to explore our site, which has MANY FREE resources for Korean Adoptees in general.

  • If you wish to support the FREE work we do on behalf of KSS Adoptees and of ALL Korean Adoptees, then kindly consider a donation to Paperslip via our GoFundMe:
    Thank you!