Advisory Sessions:
ALWAYS FREE for Fellow KSS (Korea Social Service) Adoptees.
PAID 1-hour Sessions for Non-KSS Adoptees.
Advisory Sessions:
Section 1:
FREE Birth Family Search Assistance for Fellow KSS (Korea Social Service) Adoptees ONLY.
Section 2:
PAID 1-hour Sessions for Non-KSS Adoptees.
(For Holt, Eastern, and KWS / SWS / CPS Adoptees).
Section 1:
FREE Birth Family Search Assistance for Fellow KSS (Korea Social Service) Adoptees ONLY:
ALWAYS FREE birth family search advice for fellow KSS (Korea Social Service) Adoptees:
IF you are a KSS (Korea Social Service) Adoptee, please email us at paperslipadoptee@gmail.com for FREE birth family search assistance!
*Please note that if your Korean Adoption Agency was Holt, Eastern (ECWS / ESWS) or Korea Welfare Society (KWS) / formerly Social Welfare Society (SWS) / CPS, then you are NOT a KSS Adoptee.
As we have always done, we are still happy to help fellow KSS (Korea Social Service) Adoptees who have questions about starting or continuing in their birth family search for FREE.
If you are a KSS (Korea Social Service) Adoptee, please be sure to join the KSS Adoptee ONLY Facebook group KSS Cribmates. We do not have a mailing list, so being part of KSS Cribmates is the best way of keeping up to date with important information related to KSS birth family search.
If you are a KSS (Korea Social Service) Adoptee, please READ the information below CAREFULLY.
*Note: Please do NOT contact KSS if KSS was NOT your Korean Adoption Agency!
For KSS (Korea Social Service) Adoptees ONLY, here is the process for birth family search:
Please see the “Step By Step Illustrated Guide” about halfway down this page for complete instructions on how to officially request BOTH a birth family search AND your “KOREAN Adoptive Child Study Summary” (which was NOT obtainable prior to mid 2021):
Please complete STEPS 1-4, then email your completed forms to us at paperslipadoptee@gmail.com for a FREE review of your forms, BEFORE you send them to KSS. This could save you YEARS of wasted time!
We will send you additional important instructions once you email us for a review of your form.
IF you are a KSS (Korea Social Service) Adoptee, contact us at paperslipadoptee@gmail.com with any questions!
Section 2:
PAID 1-hour Sessions for Non-KSS Adoptees.
(For Holt, Eastern, and KWS / SWS / CPS Adoptees).
While we have taken great pains to make as much information as possible available for FREE on Paperslip, in our experience many Adoptees simply get overwhelmed by the amount of the information here and / or simply do not read.
To meet the needs of NON-KSS Adoptees, we now offer PAID 1 hour individual Zoom Sessions for Adoptees who were adopted through Holt, Eastern (ECWS / ESWS) or Korea Welfare Society (KWS) / formerly Social Welfare Society (SWS) / CPS.
Unfortunately we cannot do FREE deep dives for NON-KSS (Korea Social Service) Adoptee cases. Due to our limited resources, we only offer FREE help to KSS Adoptees.
If you are NOT a KSS Adoptee, we would be happy to do a PAID one hour Zoom with you to walk you through some basics of birth family search. We charge just $65 per hour. You would need to make payment before we can provide further one-on-one assistance through email or Facebook Messenger. Please understand that we receive many requests, and we simply cannot answer the same questions for everyone for free.
We can get you up to speed on what the procedures are for birth family search. Most Adoptees do not realize that there are many paths to a search, and in our experience, everyone has similar questions. We think you will greatly benefit from an hour of our time.
If you have interest, contact us at paperslipadoptee@gmail.com and we can send you payment information. Once payment, has been made, we can schedule a Zoom with you.
It will be best if you can have your adoption documents (if available) scanned in PDF format prior to our Zoom.
Please note we also have many FREE resources on Paperslip, which is a site by and mainly for KSS Adoptees. Please note carefully what information is ONLY relevant to KSS Adoptees, and what information is relevant to ALL Korean Adoptees. Please see:
The Same Questions That Korean Adoptees Ask All The Time
Frankly in our experience, Adoptees often do not want to pay for ANY services to assist them, and many waste YEARS or even decades of time pursuing the wrong avenues based on limited or incorrect information. Many Adoptees opt to pay thousands of dollars on trips to Korea, but do not have the knowledge to make the most of their trips which a mere $65 could save them. Now (early 2025) is an especially important time to get things right, since it’s the last chance to request information directly from the Korean Adoption Agencies before ALL Korean Adoption Agency files move to NCRC in July 2025.
We can lead a horse to water, but we can’t make it drink.
We wish you luck whichever path you choose!