KSS Adoptees Should Request Their: 출생증명서 / Birth Certificate.

Please see STEP 7 on the “NEW! Illustrated Step By Step Guide To Initiating Or Continuing a Birth Family Search Through KSS” on the Step By Step KSS Birth Family Search page for exact instructions on how to request the KSS 출생증명서 / Birth Certificate.

When requesting this document, it is important to include the KOREAN text: “출생증명서 / Birth Certificate”.

KSS (Korea Social Service) Adoptees who have already requested a birth family search and requested and RECEIVED their “KOREAN Adoptive Child Study Summary” may request additional documents from KSS ONE AT A TIME.

We recomend requesting this document NEXT:

출생증명서 / Birth Certificate

Please see “NEW! Step 7. Requesting Additional Items / Documents ONE AT A TIME from KSS via the “Option D Method” under the “NEW! Illustrated Step By Step Guide To Initiating Or Continuing a Birth Family Search Through KSS” on the Step By Step KSS Birth Family Search page for exact instructions on how to request the KSS 출생증명서 / Birth Certificate - and OTHER documents which you can request from KSS ONE AT A TIME.

When requesting this document, it is important to include the KOREAN text: “출생증명서 / Birth Certificate”.

Please note that the example above is from the internet.

However KSS appears to have used a very similar form for KSS Adoptees. This form is likely not specific to KSS but a standard Korean government form.