The Movement of Korean Adoption Files From Korean Adoption Agencies To NCRC (The National Center for th Rights of the Child) Starting July 2025.

Publication date - June 24th, 2024

A recent and unexpected conversation with representatives from NCRC (the National Center for the Rights of the Child) - which is an agency of the Korean government - gave us the opportunity to discuss some of our worst fears about what the process of files being moved from Korean Adoption Agencies to NCRC (effectively, the Korean government) might be like for Korean Adoptees attempting to conduct a birth family search in the midst of this uncertain process. Files are by law supposed to move to NCRC starting in July 2025. We can’t say that things look good, as NCRC does not have a building to house the massive amount of adoption files, nor the budget nor staff to manage them. We think it’s very possible that birth family search could get stuck in limbo once this process of moving files begins.

We can’t say that things look bright for the future of birth family search in the next several years as this mess gets slowly and bureaucratically sorted out by the Korean government.

*We cannot more strongly recommend that any KSS (Korea Social Service) Adoptees with an interest in birth family search request both a birth family search AND their “KOREAN Adoptive Child Study Summary” (a document unique to KSS which may contain secret birth parent info) NOW - BEFORE KSS files get moved to NCRC starting in July 2025.

To request BOTH a birth family search AND your KOREAN Adoptive Child Study Summary (at the same time), please see the “Illustrated Step By Step Guide” about halfway down the page here:

Step By Step KSS Birth Family Search.

We at Paperslip are happy to review your KSS birth family search forms for free BEFORE you submit them to KSS! This could potentially save you YEARS of wasted time, as KSS Adoptees often make mistakes on these forms. Please email us at:

After KSS files are moved from KSS to NCRC, KSS Adoptees will likely no longer be able to conduct a file review at KSS’ current Post-Adoption Services building. KSS will likely tear down this building and then there will be literally nothing left of KSS - except for its Feeder Orphanages around Korea.

Please see: The Movement of Korean Adoption Files To NCRC Starting July 2025