*Please note that this info. is specific to Korea Social Service (KSS) Adoptees.

KSS Sibling and Twin Separation: 1964-2012.

We believe that KSS was frequently SEPARATING both SIBLINGS AND TWINS for Adoption between KSS’ Western Partner Adoption Agencies in the US, Netherlands, Denmark and Switzerland.

Some infant KSS Twins have even been known to have traveled from Korea to the same Western destination city or country for adoption, only to be SEPARATED at the airport.

We believe that KSS may have been separating TWINS by policy, particularly those sent to the US, but also possibly to Europe (Netherlands, Denmark, and Switzerland).

In particular, we are seeking to locate KSS Twins, born / relinquished between 1964 - 2012.

If you or someone you know is a KSS Twin, adopted through KSS and its Partner Western Adoption Agencies, please contact us!

If you are a US (or European) KSS twin who was
REUNITED for the purpose of a SEPARATED TWIN STUDY, we would love to hear from you!

After years of searching, we cannot currently find more than 3 pair of KSS twins adopted together to the US after 1979. Please
contact us if you are one, or know any!


Many historical TWIN SEPARATION studies are connected to Scientific Racism and may have served to encourage the separation of twins for scientific study!

We know of cases in which KSS, in conjunction with its Partner Western Adoption Agencies, has separated siblings and twins. For this reason, we cannot more highly recommend that you take ALL POSSIBLE DNA tests if you are a KSS Adoptee (or a Korean Adoptee in general).

We also know of cases where Korean birth parents kept one twin in Korea, but relinquished the other twin for international adoption. Most KSS Adoptees do not have mention of her or his twin in their “English Facing” Adoptive Child Study Summaries, unless KSS twins were adopted together by the same Western adoptive family.

Below are KSS’ Partner Western Adoption Agencies:

  • International Social Service (ISS)

  • Welcome House / Pearl S. Buck Foundation - (Pennsylvania, US)

    • *Please Note: We believe that Welcome House in the US stopped working with KSS in Korea in the early 1980s, and started to work with Holt in Korea. The last case we know of between KSS and Welcome House was around 1982. After KSS stopped working with Welcome House, Welcome House began to work with Holt in Korea (please note that there is also Holt in the US). So if you were born / relinquished / adopted in the 1980s, just because you were adopted through Welcome House in the US, does not necessarily mean that you were adopted through KSS in Korea. You may have been adopted through Holt in Korea, and Welcome House in the US. If you are not sure, please feel free to contact us.

    • What’s also confusing is that Holt in Korea sometimes collaborated with KSS in Korea to send children to the US through Welcome House. We believe that this was more rare, and only know of one example. However, this is a possibility for some KSS Adoptees.

  • Lutheran Social Services (LSS) - (Minnesota, US)

  • Wereldkinderen - (Netherlands)

  • Adoption Center (AC) - (Denmark)

  • Terre des Hommes - (Switzerland)

  • Love The Children - (Pennsylvania, US)

  • Family / Foreign Adoption Consultants (FAC) / F&CS Foster Care and Adoption Service - (Michigan, US)

*Note: The adoptions of some KSS Adoptees were also facilitated through Holt in Korea, and KSS’ Western Partner Agencies in the US.

*Please Note:
We are well aware of the famous reunited Korean Adoptee twins, such as those featured in Twinsters, etc. We are looking to find unknown KSS Twins adopted either separately or together through KSS’ Partner Western Adoption Agencies, whose stories may not be widely known.

For various reasons, we cannot more strongly encourage KSS Adoptees to
take as many DNA tests as possible.

Thank you!