Get To Know The New KoRoot.

As of February 2024, Peter Møller of DKRG (Danish Korean Rights Group) now (inexplicably) co-heads KoRoot in Korea.

There are things we think the Korean Adoptee community should know about Peter Møller’s past bad business practices and abhorrent treatment of some Korean Adoptees (including those with active TRC cases), and his personally influential (upon him) wife Boonyoung Han (한분영), which are detailed here:

Something Rotten In Denmark: A Word of Caution About DKRG For Other Korean Adoptees.

There are still a few sincere and good people working for KoRoot (*EDIT: as of July 31st, 2024, a key longstanding and good KoRoot staff member RESIGNED). We hope that those people can serve as a corrective for the tendencies toward bad behavior of KoRoot’s new “leadership” under Peter Møller and Boonyoung Han
(한분영). However, we do not believe that the good members of KoRoot have any idea of what they are up against in terms of the standard Modus Operandi of Peter Møller - who far from being a “lawyer” as he has led everyone to believe - instead is written about in 6 highly critical Politiken articles (as well as in other Danish articles - see link above) for financial mismanagement of Music Festivals he ran in Denmark and abusive behavior toward bands.

We are VERY concerned that KoRoot under Peter Møller is requesting donations and raising money. Given his past financial mismanagement of Danish Music festivals and reported bad behavior toward bands, we are VERY concerned that the same behavior will inevitably be applied toward the financial management of and treatment of Korean Adoptees by the NEW KoRoot, once Pastor Kim soon retires. Peter Møller’s past behavior in Denmark towards the Music Festivals he reportedly mismanaged and his known recent behavior in blocking / ghosting Korean Adoptees with active TRC cases who happen to disagree with him in the slightest suggests that this behavior of financial mismanagement and abuse will continue in his role as head of KoRoot.

(We sincerely wish those few who are the good members of KoRoot good luck. They are REALLY going to need it).

We are sorry to Pastor Kim, whose decades of kindness as leader of KoRoot could not be MORE antithetical to / different than what has been described as the “dictatorial” and “demagogue” like behavior of Peter Møller and Boonyoung Han
(한분영). Many Korean Adoptees report that if you disagree with these two in ANY way, that you will be blocked out of their DKRG (Danish Korean Rights Group) / TRC (Truth and Reconciliation Commission) related forums and permanently ghosted. This has even been the case for those with active TRC cases, which is abominable given that DKRG is the only mouthpiece for the TRC investigation into Korean Adoption in Korea.

Unfortunately, Pastor Kim - beloved amongst Korean Adoptees for his decades of kindness and advocacy - is nearly retired (as of June 2024), and Pastor Kim made the naive choice to put Peter Møller in charge of KoRoot following his retirement, without knowing of Peter Møller’s past bad business practices in Denmark (which are detailed in numerous Danish press articles in the link above). We sincerely hope that this decision to have Peter Møller lead KoRoot following Pastor Kim’s retirement (and shadow led by Boonyoung Han / 한분영) can be reversed so that KoRoot’s longstanding good reputation amongst Korean Adoptees around the world is not permanently and irreparably damaged.

*Update July 31st, 2024: As of this date, one of the longest-term and best members of KoRoot has RESIGNED from the organization.