Adopted Territory by Eleana J. Kim
The Origins of Korean Adoption: Cold War Geopolitics and Intimate Diplomacy by Arissa Oh
Framed by War: Korean Children and Women at the Crossroads of US Empire by Susie Woo
From Orphan to Adoptee by Soojin Pate
Sex Among Allies by Katherine Moon
Invisible Asians by Kim Park Nelson - excellent overview of experiences of KADs and the issues that they face
The Global ‘Orphan’ Adoption System: South Korea’s Impact on its Origin and Development by Kyung-eun Lee.
Seoul Story: Adoption Picture Book (English-Korean) by KSS Adoptee Susie Lawlor
Somebody's Children - What happened in US history that affected and/or led to the adoption of KADs (focus on Native and Black adoptions - this doesn't focus on KADS)
Virtual Mothering by Hosu Kim - What can the internet tell us about how birth mothers felt about their children which were adopted (a paper, not a book, if I recall)
Multiple academic papers from Tobias Hübinette
The Making of Asian America By Erica Lee
2018. “Forward.” Mixed Korean: Our Stories. C. Kim, K. Kim, S. Kim-Russell and M-K. Arnold, eds. Truepeny Publishing Co.
Poetry Book Recommendations:
• The Motherland: An Anthology of poems written by Korean Adoptees and Korean unwed mothers, 2018, edited by Laura Wachs, Korea: Todammedia.
• Seeds from a Silent Tree, 1997, edited by Jo Rankin and Tonya Bishoff. San Diego, California: Pandal Press.
• Fugitive Visions, 2009, by Jane Jeong Trenka, Saint Paul, Minnesota: Graywolf Press.
• I’m Not Saying, I’m Just Saying, 2012, by Matthew Salesses, Lexington, KY: Civil Coping Mechanisms.
• Arabilis, 2019, by Leah Silvieus, Knoxville, TN: Sundress Publications.
• Cleave: poems, 2021, by Tiana Nobile, Spartanburg, SC: Hub City Press.
• Omma, Sea of Joy and Other Astrological Signs, 2021, by Bo Schwabacher, Tinderbox Editions.
• Paper Pavilion, 2007, by Jennifer Kwon Dobbs, Buffalo, NY: White Pine Press.
• Skirt Full of Black: poems, 2007, by Sun Yung Shin, Minneapolis: Coffee House Press.