Contact Info For The 4 Major Korean Adoption Agencies + Adoptee Facebook Groups.
*Please NOTE that ALL Korean Adoption Agency files will move to the Korean Government Agency NCRC (National Center for the Rights of the Child) on
July 19th, 2025!
BEFORE July 19th, 2025, you should attempt to make a birth family search request and request all possible documents from your relevant KOREAN ADOPTION AGENCY (see contact information below).
If you are a KSS (Korea Social Service) Adoptee ONLY please see:
KSS Adoptees MUST ACT NOW To Request A Birth Family Search + KOREAN Adoptive Child Study Summary!
If your Korean Adoption Agency was Eastern Social Welfare Society (ESWS) - formerly Eastern Child Welfare Society (ECWS) please see:
Eastern Social Welfare Society (ESWS) / Formerly Eastern Child Welfare Society (ECWS) Announces Winding Down of Post Adoption Services
If you do not know your Korean Adoption Agency, please see:
Figure Out Your KOREAN Adoption Agency NOW BEFORE It Is Too Late
AFTER July 19th, 2025, you will have to make your birth family search requests through NCRC (The National Center for the Rights of the Child). The procedure is not yet clear. Please check the page below for updates:
IMPORTANT! New Changes Coming To NCRC in 2025 - Including NEW Address!
UPDATE - March 2025:
Check Here For Updates: The Current State Of Birth Family Search By Korean Adoption Agency.
The 4 Major Korean Adoption Agencies Since 1976:
Please note that prior to 1976, Korean Adoption was a bit like the Wild West. There were many agencies and orphanages, “baby brokers”, private adoptions, Western foreigners visiting Korea and willy-nilly taking children back home with them, etc. Starting in 1976, the Korean government designated just 4 “indigenous” Korean Adoption Agencies to process International Adoptions to the West - these Korean Adoption Agencies are listed below. All 4 Korean Adoption Agencies remain operational in Korea and have Post Adoption Services for Adoptees - please note that KSS (Korea Social Service) no longer processes adoptions (they processed adoptions 1964-2012) but they still have one remaining Post Adoption Services building (at least for now as of June 2024 - please see KSS Adoptees Should Request Their Files NOW if you are a KSS Adoptee).
What many Korean Adoptees don’t know is that often a Korean Adoption Agency partnered with a Western (US, European, Canadian, or Australian) Adoption Agency. It is usually best to initiate a birth family search through the KOREAN Adoption Agency. Please note that wait times can be long as the Korean Adoption Agencies are deliberately understaffed, though most have English speaking staff.
HOLT specifically split into Holt KOREA and Holt INTERNATIONAL in 1976 in order to remain “indigenously run” by Koreans when the Korean government mandated that all Korean Adoption Agencies be run by Koreans. Holt’s favorite game is to take advantage of Adoptees’ confusion and ping-pong Adoptees back and forth between the two Holts. Please know you should start a birth family search with Holt KOREA.
The 4 major KOREAN Adoption Agencies as of 1976 were:
1. HOLT Korea (not to be confused with Holt International, which is the Western Holt Adoption Agency)
2. Eastern Social Welfare Society (ESWS) - formerly Eastern Child Welfare Society (ECWS)
3. Social Welfare Society (SWS) / now Korea Welfare Society (KWS). *Please note that if your adoption was through International Social Service (ISS) or Child Placement Service (CPS) then KWS may have possesion of your files.
4. Korea Social Service (KSS)
*If you are a KSS (Korea Social Service) Adoptee, do yourself a favor and contact us at Paperslip BEFORE you contact KSS. We advise KSS Adoptees for FREE and we can potentially save you YEARS of WASTED TIME! Email us:
The 4 major KOREAN Adoption Agencies are below.
Please see the “Post Adoption Services” pages on the agencies’ respective website:
HOLT Korea (not to be confused with Holt International, which is the Western Holt Adoption Agency):
NEW INFORMATION FOR (US) HOLT ADOPTEES (*Please note that we always recommend contacting the KOREAN Adoption Agency first - in this case, HOLT Korea):
“Please complete the online request for information form on the Holt International website (click the link below). With the information you provide we will be able to determine if Holt/WACAP participated in your adoption, and will provide you with additional information about our services. If we did not participate in your adoption, we may be able to help you figure out what steps to take next.
Thank you very much. We look forward to hearing from you.
Pame Chow
Hours: 6:30 am to 3:00 pm
Administrative Coordinator of Adoptee Services
250 Country Club Road,
Eugene, OR 97401
541.687.2202 x122
Fax: 541-683-6175”
Eastern Social Welfare Society (ESWS) - formerly Eastern Child Welfare Society (ECWS):
*Update, March 2025 - Please see: Eastern Social Welfare Society (ESWS / ECWS) Announces Winding Down of Post Adoption Services
Website Update January 2025:
*Update! January 28th, 2025: Eastern Adoptees please see this important announcement: The Korean Adoption Agency Eastern Social Welfare Society (ESWS) / Formerly Eastern Child Welfare Society (ECWS) Announces Winding Down of Post Adoption Services
Social Welfare Society (SWS) / now Korea Welfare Society (KWS)
Update January 2024: Please note that this website has changed. Above is the current Post Adoption Services link.
Please spread the word about the SWS / KWS new Post Adoption Services link.
Korea Welfare Services
Chu Minji Section Manager, Adoption Dept.
Post-Adoption Services Team
Τ. 82-2-567-8891
Μ. 82-10-3354-1928
F. 82-2-567-2341
21, Nonhyeon-ro 86-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, Korea, 06220
Korea Social Service (KSS)
*IMPORTANT NOTE! If you are a KSS Adoptee, please be sure to see the Step By Step KSS Birth Family Search page BEFORE you contact KSS! Contacting us at Paperslip BEFORE you contact KSS may save you YEARS of wasted time!
Paperslip Email:
KSS Website:
KSS Email:
Contact + Appointment Info for KSS - Korea Social Service - Korean Adoption Agency
*Please note that CONTACT INFORMATION for each of the major Korean Adoption Agencies can be found here:
*If you are a KSS (Korea Social Service) Adoptee, do yourself a favor and contact us at Paperslip BEFORE you contact KSS. We advise KSS Adoptees for FREE and we can potentially save you YEARS of WASTED TIME! Email us:
Korean Adoptee Facebook forums by Korean Adoption Agency:
You must be a Korean Adoptee to join these forums. Please be sure to answer the membership questions when requesting to join.
1. Holt forum:
Adult Adoptees of Holt:
2. Eastern Social Welfare Society (ESWS) - formerly Eastern Child Welfare Society (ECWS):
I am an adoptee from Eastern Social Welfare Society:
3. Korea Welfare Society (KWS) / formerly Social Welfare Society (SWS) Forum - *Please note if you were CPS (Child Placement Services) or ISS (International Social Services) that KWS may now have your files:
Korean Adoptees of Korea Welfare Services (Social Welfare Services):
4. Korea Social Service (KSS) Forum:
KSS Cribmates:
(PRIVATE forum for KSS Adoptees adopted to the US, Netherlands, Denmark, and Switzerland)
Korea Social Service (KSS) Adoptees Searching For Birth Family - 한국사회봉사회 :
(PUBLIC forum for KSS Adoptees seeking birth family)