Paperslip TRAFFIC.

WWW.PAPERSLIP.ORG viewer stats by Western countries to which KSS adopted between 1964-2012. was founded in 2020 but has only been a public website available to ALL Korean Adoptees (not just KSS Adoptees) since
January 1, 2022.

KSS sent children to the US, Netherlands, Denmark, and Switzlerand between 1964-2012.

According to KSS, KSS sent about 20,000 total children for adoption to the West in this time period.

We believe that about 10,000 children were sent to the US, and about 10,000 children were sent to Europe - Netherlands, Denmark, and Switzlerand.

KSS also adopted domestically within S. Korea - however, we have no idea how many children were adopted domestically by KSS.

We hope that has been able to reach many of them before the closure of KSS sometime around July 19, 2025 when ALL Korean Adoption Agency files - including the files of KSS - move to the Korean Government Agency NCRC (National Center for the Rights of the Child).

Please visit and contact us at for more information.

Thank you!