The Antidote To Rumors And Misinformation Is Accurate Information.
Addressing False + Irresponsible Rumors That Adoptees Will Be Able To “Easily Obtain” Their Adoption Records From The Korean Government Agency NCRC, Following The Transfer of ALL Adoption Agency Records To NCRC In July 2025. Yeah - good luck with that.
Above - You can't stop a gathering of ignorance, but you can counter it with facts.
February 14th, 2025 -
We want to say, we feel sorry for any KSS (Korea Social Service) Adoptees (or any other Adoptees) who fall for the FALSE NARRATIVE that it will be “easy” to get their files from NCRC after the file transfer from ALL Korean Adoption Agencies to the Korean Government Agency NCRC (National Center for the Rights of the Child) in July 2025.
Anyone who believes that the file movement will be a “seamless process” and that Adoptees will have an “easy” time of obtaining their adoption records from NCRC following the file transfer in July 2025, has either never actually dealt with NCRC, or is simply incredibly naive.
And for anyone who believes that the files will magically be transported and archived BY July 2025, we have a nice used car to sell to you.
First of all, NCRC itself admits it does not have a permanent physical building to put the files in, nor does it have the budget from the Korean government nor the staff to handle the massive file transfer. NCRC's President admitted that the file transfer could take 10 YEARS to sort out.
Because Korean Adoption Agency files will probably go to temporary storage FIRST, this could mean that Korean Adoption Agency files - assuming a permanent building is EVER built for them - could be moved TWICE.
We have actively been warning people for one year about these issues. Not because we enjoy being "gatekeepers" - a truly disengenous term - but because we are truly horrified by the very real possibility that many of our original documents may be lost or destroyed in the file transfer process. And because we actually care that people know what is happening so that they can ACT.
Please see:
Head of NCRC Admits Unpreparedness For Adoption File Transfer - Says Process Could Take 10 YEARS To Resolve
Three NCRC workers with whom we met in person admitted the same lack of preparedness for the file transfer.
These are not rumors or opinions…these are unfortunately extremely sad facts, many of which come directly from NCRC.
The intelligent and caring people whom we know and trust who have been involved with birth family search for years foresee many issues with the file transfer to NCRC.
For this reason, we have been especially encouraging Adoptees for a YEAR to act BY EARLY 2025. That time is NOW.
Please see:
The (Korean) Ministry of Health and Welfare's request for a 4.8 billion won budget for an 'Adoption Records Center' has been rejected by the Ministry of Finance
New MBC Video Highlights The Failures of NCRC - The Korean Government Agency Which Takes Over ALL Korean Adoption Files In July 2025
We are sorry for anyone who believes that the movement of ALL of Korean Adoption Agency files to NCRC will be smooth and without issues. We wish that it would be, but we know that it won’t.
We have little motivation in this except to be sure that KSS (Korea Social Service) Adoptees and other Korean Adoptees BOTH request a birth family search directly from their Korean Adoption Agency AND get as much information as possible, before time runs out for them to do so.
To that end we have poured countless hours of time over YEARS into helping KSS Adoptees for FREE.
Far from gatekeeping the path to information at KSS, we have made this information FREE to any and all KSS Adoptees.
What we have dedicatedly monitored - not "gate kept" - is making sure that KSS Adoptees fill out their forms correctly. This is because simple mistakes on the forms can mean that YEARS of time are WASTED by the Adoptee, because - for example - they forgot to check the right option for requesting a birth family search!
Fun as this laborious free “gatekeeping” may sound to you, it’s actually exhausting and we would be happy to believe that our role is ended and we can simply trust that NCRC will handle KSS and all other Korean Adoption Agency files well. Unfortunately, we know that this is not likely to be the case.
Whatever people choose to believe - we hope that people do what is best for them in their birth family search, before it's too late.
We would rather be wrong in insisting that KSS Adoptees request BOTH a birth family search AND their formerly secret “KOREAN Adoptive Child Study Summary” from KSS before July 2025 - than have KSS Adoptees MISS OUT on the chance to get their files and possibly have a reunion before it is too late.
And since 2021, Paperslip has been involved in the initial stages of about 40 cases where KSS Adoptees have had a reunion or found close birth family members through DNA testing which we have recommended.
We’re okay with potentially being wrong about how smooth the transfer of ALL Korean Adoption Agencies to NCRC will or will not be. We are NOT okay with KSS Adoptees MISSING THEIR FINAL CHANCE at getting important information about their histories and potentially missing out on a chance at a reunion with their birth families.
Any KSS (Korea Social Service) Adoptees who need FREE help with the KSS birth family search process can reach out to:
Thank you!
Please Note: You are NOT a KSS (Korea Social Service) Adoptee if your Korean Adoption Agency was:
-Eastern Social Welfare Society (ESWS) - formerly Eastern Child Welfare Society (ECWS)
-Social Welfare Society (SWS) / now Korea Welfare Society (KWS)
For KSS (Korea Social Service) Adoptees, here is the process for birth family search:
Please see the “Step By Step Illustrated Guide” about halfway down this page for complete instructions on how to officially request BOTH a birth family search AND your “KOREAN Adoptive Child Study Summary” (which was NOT obtainable prior to mid 2021):
Please complete STEPS 1-4, then email your completed forms to us at for a FREE review of your forms, BEFORE you send them to KSS. This could save you YEARS of wasted time.
We will send you additional important instructions once you email us for a review of your form.
If you are on Facebook, I highly recommend joining the private forum KSS Cribmates - please be sure to answer the membership questions.
This is the best way to keep up with changes related to KSS birth family search.
Please see:
The Same Questions That Korean Adoptees Ask All The Time