KSS Is Preventing GOAL Staff + Korean Translators “Who Don’t Work For A Company” From Accompany-ing Adoptees To KSS
*While this website is mostly geared toward Adoptees who were adopted through the Korean Adoption Agency Korea Social Service (KSS), there is also information here which is relevant to ALL Korean Adoptees, regardless of their Korean Adoption Agency. This page is relevant to ONLY KSS (Korean Social Service) Adoptees.
KSS (Korea Social Service) Is Preventing GOAL Staff + Korean Translators “Who Don’t Work For A Company” From Accompanying Adoptees To KSS.
*For KSS Adoptees, please note that you do NOT need a translator to go with you to KSS, as most KSS social workers speak English. However, we recommend that you take a supportive friend or family member, and not go alone to KSS for your in-person file review.
Part of the cruel experience of Adoptees having to deal with Korean Adoption Agencies is the Adoption Agencies’ at-will ability to implement RANDOM and DRACONIAN rules designed to make the lives of Korean Adoptees who just want information about their pasts even more difficult.
Recently, KSS has prevented GOAL Staff and Korean Translators who “don’t work for a company” from accompanying Adoptees to their file review meetings at KSS. Why should it matter if a translator works for a “company” or not?? This completely ARBITRARY rule was put into place by KSS with one purpose only: to make it harder for KSS Adoptees to bring much needed help to their file review meetings at KSS in Seoul.
The KSS social worker Miss Haenae LEE is the person frequently mentioned in association with this draconian denial by KSS.
This arbitrary, cruel, and wholly UNFOUNDED new “rule” is designed to make KSS Adoptees, who are already emotionally vulnerable upon return to their Korean Adoption Agency, KSS, even MORE vulnerable. For what purpose does this new “rule” serve except to make it more difficult for KSS Adoptees, the great majority of whom do not speak Korean, to obtain information about their adoption and biological history?
Korean Adoptees who spend thousands of dollars returning to Korea and to their Korean Adoption Agencies for the first time, simply in order to learn more about their history and to know something about themselves, are almost never allowed to look at their actual adoption file, and now are prevented from even taking a Korean translator who “doesn’t work for a company” from accompanying them to KSS. We really believe in Karma on this one, folks, and so we will be publishing the names of the KSS social workers associated with these draconian measures.
While we guess this is not illegal to change rules like this, it is certainly IMMORAL.
Please contact us if you are a KSS (Korea Social Service) Adoptee ONLY and we can refer you to a translator who works for a “company”. Send us an email at: paperslipadoptee@gmail.com
Seriously folks, maybe it’s time to stop going to Korea, and go to a country that’s been kinder historically to Koreans - you know, like JAPAN.