Please note that from now on - from March 4th, 2024 forward - instead of creating a NEW page for each “Important News” item, we will keep ALL new “Important News” items here on this page.
The most recent items will appear at the top.
Please Note:
We now make a NEW page for each new “IMPORTANT NEWS” item. The most recent news will appear at the top under the “IMPORTANT NEWS” dropdown menu.
Post 2: March 7th, 2024:
23 and Me Now (Once Again) Allows Users To Find “Relatives In Common”.
According to “AncestryDNA GEDmatch 23andMe FTDNA MyHeritage Genealogy LivingDNA”, 23 and Me users can once again find “Relatives In Common”.
We also strongly recommend that Korean Adoptees who are interested in birth family search and who have NOT previously taken 23 and Me, do so RIGHT AWAY - as the future of 23 and Me is uncertain, and it contains the MOST amount of Korean DNA in its database. For 23 and Me users we strongly recommend at the least screen capturing all of your CLOSEST MATCHES so that you have some record of them for the future.
Please note that it is important for Korean Adoptees interested in birth family search to take ALL POSSIBLE DNA TESTS. Read more about DNA testing here:
DNA Testing:
Post 1: March 4th, 2024:
23 and Me Now (Once Again) Allows Users To Download Their Raw Data.
According to “The DNA Geek”, 23 and Me users can once again DOWNLOAD their RAW DATA. As of this writing, users still cannot UPLOAD their raw data to other sites, due to 23 and Me’s past data breach.
We would still highly recommend downloading your 23 and Me raw data to your computer, in case other site ever allow 23 and Me raw data to be transferred to their sites again. Because we do not know if 23 and Me will go out of business or not, you will want to be sure to download your raw data from their site in case they do.
We strongly recommend that Korean Adoptees who have previously taken 23 and Me to download their raw data and store it somewhere safely.
We also strongly recommend that Korean Adoptees who are interested in birth family search and who have NOT previously taken 23 and Me, do so RIGHT AWAY - as the future of 23 and Me is uncertain, and it contains the MOST amount of Korean DNA in its database. For 23 and Me users we strongly recommend at the least screen capturing all of your CLOSEST MATCHES so that you have some record of them for the future.
23 and Me users can download their raw data here once logged in:
Please note that it is important for Korean Adoptees interested in birth family search to take ALL POSSIBLE DNA TESTS. Read more about DNA testing here:
DNA Testing: