
*While this website is mostly geared toward Adoptees who were adopted through the Korean Adoption Agency Korea Social Service (KSS), there is also information here which is relevant to ALL Korean Adoptees, regardless of their Korean Adoption Agency. This page is relevant to KSS (Korea Social Service) Adoptees ONLY!

KSS (Korea Social Service) Adoptee Alert:

The Korean Government Is Woefully Unprepared For The Transfer of Korean Adoption Agencies’ Files To NCRC (National Center for the Rights of the Child).

Update March 12th, 2024: We have heard that it is *possible* that KSS files could be moved to the National Archives. But we do not yet know exactly where KSS files will be transferred, nor what Adoptee access to KSS adoption files will look like after they are moved.

March 11th, 2024:

hate to say it, but the sidewalk for KSS (Korea Social Service) Adoptees in terms of obtaining information from KSS is crumbling.

The Korean government plans to take over adoption files - whatever they define that as - from Korean Adoption Agencies in July 2025.

For KSS Adoptees, this could really be a disaster.

The Korean government has never and likely will never properly fund NCRC (National Center for the Rights of the Child), the Korean government body which will supposedly take responsibility for the adoption files from all 4 major Korean Adoption Agencies starting in July 2025.

The article below illustrates that - despite the fact that this major transfer of Korean adoption files is supposed to take place in July 2025, NCRC’s funding has NOT been significantly increased from 2023-2024, and it will very likely NOT be significantly increased ENOUGH to truly cover the necessary costs of such a massive transfer of Korean adoption files from Korean adoption agencies to the Korean state.

Put simply - for KSS Adoptees with ANY interest in Birth Family Search and / or obtaining their KOREAN Adoptive Child Study Summary from KSS, we cannot more strongly recommend that you do this NOW.

FOR KSS (Korea Social Services) Adoptees ONLY:

The information below DOES NOT apply to Korean Adoptees who were adopted through:

-Eastern Social Welfare Society (ESWS) - formerly Eastern Child Welfare Society (ECWS)
-Social Welfare Society (SWS)
/ now Korea Welfare Society (KWS)!

If you were adopted through any of the Korean Adoption Agencies listed above, please see the
Korean Adoptee Starter Guide page and the Birth Family Search Tips for ALL Korean Adoptees page.

Please do NOT contact KSS if you are NOT a KSS Adoptee!! People OFTEN confuse “KWS (formerly SWS) with KSS - they are NOT the same Korean Adoption Agency!


KSS Adoptees who have ANY interest in birth family search or in obtaining their adoption files from KSS should request BOTH a birth family search AND their Korean Adoptive Child Study Summary as soon as possible.

Please see the "Illustrated Step By Step Guide" halfway down the page here for more info on how to request a birth family search through KSS and how to request your KOREAN Adoptive Child Study Summary:

Step By Step KSS Birth Family Search

Please view on a LAPTOP or LARGE SCREEN device, not a phone, and follow the GRAPHICS for how to fill out KSS’ forms.

You are highly encouraged to submit your forms to us for a FREE review BEFORE you submit them to KSS, as KSS Adoptees OFTEN make MISTAKES on these forms which may cost them YEARS OF WASTED TIME.

KSS Adoptees can email us at: for a FREE review of your KSS forms prior to submission to KSS, or to ask any questions.

Go In Depth:

Article about the MOHW (Ministry of Health and Welfare) Budget of the Korean Government:

Paperslip Note: Please note that we have alternated the original KOREAN text and our ChatGPT ENGLISH translation in text blocks below:

You don’t need to read the full article below (we didn’t) - but if you are a policy wonk, have at it.

The most relevant information from the article is below - basically, the operational budget for NCRC (what the article calls the “Korea Child Rights Guarantee Agency”) has NOT increased very much from 2023-2024, DESPITE there being major changes in the works for NCRC vis a vis the transfer of Korean Adoption Agency files to NCRC beginning in July 2025. Let’s put it this way - it’s going to be a MESS. Who knows what information may be lost in this process of transferring Korean Adoption files from private agencies to the Korean state:

”Korea Child Rights Guarantee Agency (Paperslip Note: NCRC - The National Center for the Rights of the Child)

The budget for operational support for the Korea Child Rights Guarantee Agency increased by approximately 700 million won (about 2.7%) to approximately 26.4 billion won in 2024 compared to the previous year. The main reason for the budget increase is the inclusion of costs for establishing the Secretariat of the Adoption Policy Committee of the Korea Child Rights Guarantee Agency and conducting investigations and research on adoption records, following the full amendment of the Adoption Special Act on June 30, 2023.

Paperslip Note: The “Secretariat of the Adoption Policy Committee of the Korea Child Rights Guarantee Agency” is the new supervisory board of NCRC composed primarily of those who oppose Korean Adoptees’ Right to Origin (with the exception of GOAL). The “full amendment of the Adoption Special Act on June 30, 2023” refers to the Special Adoption Law (SAL) revision of 2023 in which it was determined that adoption files would be moved from Korean Adoption Agencies to the Korean government (NCRC) beginning in July 2025.”



[기획4] 2024 보건복지 분야 예산안 분석: 아동·청소년복지 분야

김아래미 서울여자대학교 사회복지학과 교수

전체적인 평가

2024년 보건복지 예산은 2023년 대비 12.2% 증가하였고, 사회복지 예산은 13.7% 증가하였으나, 2024년 보건복지부 소관 예산 중 아동·청소년 예산은 오히려 약 2조 8,209억 원으로 2023년 2조 8,384억 원 대비 0.62%가 감소하였다. 이는 보건복지 총예산 중 아동·청소년 예산 비중을 2023년 2.6%에서 2024년 2.3%로 감소시키고, 사회복지 예산 중 아동·청소년 비중도 2023년 3.1%에서 2024년 2.7%로 감소시킨 결과이다. 이러한 감소는 2023년의 사회복지 예산의 아동·청소년 예산 감소 비율인 0.4%와 동일한 수준으로, 윤석열 정부 들어 보건복지 및 사회복지 예산의 아동·청소년 예산 비중은 2년째 소폭 감소하고 있음을 확인할 수 있다.


[Proposal 4] Analysis of the Budget Proposal for the Health and Welfare Sector in 2024: Child and Youth Welfare Sector

Kim Arae-mi, Professor, Department of Social Welfare, Seoul Women's University

Overall Evaluation

The budget for health and welfare in 2024 increased by 12.2% compared to 2023, and the budget for social welfare increased by 13.7%. However, within the budget under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Health and Welfare in 2024, the budget for child and youth welfare decreased slightly to approximately 2 trillion 820.9 billion won, compared to 2 trillion 838.4 billion won in 2023, representing a decrease of 0.62%. This resulted in a reduction in the proportion of the child and youth budget out of the total health and welfare budget from 2.6% in 2023 to 2.3% in 2024, and also a decrease in the proportion within the social welfare budget from 3.1% in 2023 to 2.7% in 2024. This decrease is consistent with the rate of decrease in the child and youth budget within the social welfare budget in 2023, which was 0.4%. It indicates that for the second consecutive year under the Yoon Seok-yeol government, the proportion of the child and youth budget within the health and welfare budgets has been decreasing slightly.


한편, 2024년 아동·청소년 1인당 예산은 약 41만 원1)으로 2023년 아동·청소년 1인당 예산인 약 40만 원에 비해 약 1만 원 증가하였다. 보건복지부의 아동·청소년 예산은 일반회계, 지역균형발전특별회계, 국민건강증진기금으로 이루어져 있다. 일반회계 예산은 2조 4,793억 원으로 아동·청소년 예산의 87.9%를 차지하고 있고, 지역균형발전특별회계는 3,094억 원으로 아동·청소년 예산의 11.0%를 차지하고 있다. 국민건강증진기금은 321억 원으로 아동·청소년 예산의 1.1%를 차지하고 있다. 이번 아동·청소년 예산은 예년 대비 대폭 증가 또는 대폭 감소한 사업들이 있다는 것이 특징이다. 장래 인구추계에 따른 아동 수의 감소로 인한 아동수당 감액이 1,449억 원으로 가장 큰 감액이고, 그 외에는 요보호아동 자립지원(△18.7), 가정위탁 지원·운영(△19.5), 아동안전 전문교육(△100.0), 아동정책조정 및 인권증진(△40.7), 다함께돌봄센터 사업(△100.0)이 큰 감소폭을 보인다. 한편, 아동발달지원계좌(154.0)의 증가 폭이 가장 크고, 다음으로 모자보건사업(81.8)이 큰 증가 폭을 보인다. 그 외에는 자립준비청년 자립지원 체계 구축(20.5), 아동학대 예방 및 피해아동 보호(17.6), 입양단체 등 사후관리지원(22.0), 지역아동센터 운영비 지원(15.1), 영유아 사전예방적 건강관리(19.1)가 증가 폭이 큰 편이다. 


Meanwhile, the per capita budget for children and youth in 2024 is approximately 410,000 won, an increase of about 10,000 won compared to the approximately 400,000 won per capita budget for children and youth in 2023. The budget for children and youth under the Ministry of Health and Welfare consists of the General Account, the Special Account for Balanced Regional Development, and the National Health Promotion Fund. The General Account budget amounts to 2 trillion 479.3 billion won, accounting for 87.9% of the children and youth budget, while the Special Account for Balanced Regional Development amounts to 309.4 billion won, representing 11.0% of the children and youth budget. The National Health Promotion Fund amounts to 32.1 billion won, making up 1.1% of the children and youth budget. This year's children and youth budget is characterized by significant increases or decreases compared to previous years. The largest decrease is due to the reduction in child allowances resulting from the decrease in the number of children due to future population estimates, amounting to 144.9 billion won. Other significant decreases include Independent Support for Vulnerable Children (△18.7), Support and Operation of Foster Care (△19.5), Specialized Training for Child Safety (△100.0), Child Policy Coordination and Human Rights Promotion (△40.7), and Community Care Center Projects (△100.0). On the other hand, the largest increase is seen in the Child Development Support Account (154.0), followed by Maternal and Child Health Projects (81.8). Other notable increases include the Establishment of a Support System for Preparing Independent Youth (20.5), Prevention of Child Abuse and Protection of Victims (17.6), Post-Adoption Support for Adoption Agencies, etc. (22.0), Support for the Operation Expenses of Local Child Centers (15.1), and Early Preventive Health Management for Infants and Toddlers (19.1).


아동·청소년 관련 사회복지 예산은 보건복지부뿐만 아니라 여성가족부, 교육부, 기획재정부에도 편성되어 있다. 중앙정부 내 아동·청소년 예산을 파악하기 위하여 보건복지부 내 아동·청소년 예산뿐만 아니라 보건복지부, 여성가족부, 기획재정부 예산을 포함하여 검토하였다. 다부처 아동·청소년 예산을 살펴본 결과, 2024년 아동·청소년 예산은 4조 242억 원으로 2023년에 비해 3.3% 증가하였고, 2024년 아동·청소년 1인당 예산은 약 59만 원으로 2023년 대비 약 4만 원이 증가하였다. 

부처별로 살펴보면 보건복지부, 기재부 관련 예산은 감소하였으나, 여성가족부의 아이돌봄지원과 한부모가족자녀 양육비 지원 예산이 증가하여 전체 예산이 소폭 증가한 결과를 보인다. 

세부사업 평가

요보호아동 자립준비청년 자립지원, 아동발달지원계좌 

요보호아동 자립지원 예산은 약 10억 원으로 전년 대비 18.7%가 감소하였다. 이는 대상 아동 수의 자연 감소에 의한 것이다. 자립준비청년 자립수당 지급 예산과 자립준비청년 자립지원 체계 구축 예산은 각각 454억 원과 177억 원으로 지난해에 비해 각각 3.8%, 20.5%가 증가하였다. 자립준비청년 자립수당 지급 예산의 증가는 사업 대상의 감소에도 불구하고, 자립준비청년들의 경제적 자립 부담 경감을 위해 지원 단가를 월 40만 원에서 50만 원으로 인상한 것에 기인하였다. 또한, 자립준비청년 자립 지원 체계 구축 예산은 자립 지원 전담 인력 확충, 인건비 단가 인상, 사례관리 지원 규모 확대 등에 따라 증가하였다. 자립준비청년에 대한 미흡한 지원에 대한 큰 사회적 관심이 이어짐에 따라 관련 예산은 2023년에 이어 계속 확대되고 있다. 


Budgets related to children and youth welfare are allocated not only within the Ministry of Health and Welfare but also within the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, the Ministry of Education, and the Ministry of Strategy and Finance. In order to grasp the budget for children and youth within the central government, we reviewed not only the budget for children and youth within the Ministry of Health and Welfare but also the budgets within the Ministry of Health and Welfare, the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family, and the Ministry of Strategy and Finance. Upon examining the budgets for children and youth across different ministries, it was found that the budget for children and youth in 2024 amounted to 4 trillion 242 billion won, representing a 3.3% increase compared to 2023, and the per capita budget for children and youth in 2024 is approximately 590,000 won, which is an increase of about 40,000 won compared to 2023.

Upon closer examination by ministry, while budgets within the Ministry of Health and Welfare and the Ministry of Strategy and Finance decreased, the increase in the budget for childcare support from the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family and support for single-parent family child-rearing expenses contributed to a slight overall increase in the budget.

Evaluation of Specific Programs

Support for Vulnerable Children and Preparation for Independent Youth, Child Development Support Account

The budget for support for vulnerable children decreased by approximately 1 billion won, representing an 18.7% decrease compared to the previous year, attributed to the natural decrease in the number of eligible children. The budget for the provision of allowances to prepare independent youth and the budget for establishing a support system for preparing independent youth increased by 3.8% and 20.5%, respectively, compared to last year, amounting to 45.4 billion won and 17.7 billion won. The increase in the budget for the provision of allowances to prepare independent youth is due to an increase in the support unit price from 400,000 won to 500,000 won per month to alleviate the economic burden on independent youth, despite a decrease in the number of beneficiaries. Additionally, the budget for establishing a support system for preparing independent youth increased due to factors such as an expansion of dedicated personnel for support, an increase in labor costs, and an expansion of support scale for case management. Given the significant societal interest in addressing inadequate support for preparing independent youth, related budgets have continued to expand following the trend observed in 2023.


한편, 취약계층 아동의 사회진출 초기자금 마련 지원을 위한 아동발달지원계좌 예산은 약 1,267억 원으로 2023년의 499억 원에 비해 154%로 크게 증가하였는데, 이는 기초수급가구아동의 가입연령을 당초 만 12~17세에서 만 0~17세까지 확대하였기 때문이다. 기초수급가구 보호대상아동의 보다 두터운 자산 형성에 기여할 수 있다는 점에서 긍정적으로 평가한다.

요보호아동 그룹홈 운영지원, 아동학대 예방 피해아동 보호

요보호아동 그룹홈 운영지원 사업의 2024년 예산은 523억 원으로 10.9% 증가한 것으로 확인하였다. 이는 학대피해아동쉼터 36개소를 신설하고 요보호아동 그룹홈 및 학대피해아동쉼터의 신규인력 및 인건비 인상분 반영 등에 따른 것으로 보인다. 또한, 아동학대 예방 및 피해아동 보호 사업은 2023년 대비 약 73억 원(약 17.6%)의 증액이 이루어졌다. 이는 2021년 8월 보건복지부가 발표한 「아동학대 대응체계 보완방안」에 맞추어 10개소의 아동보호전문기관 신규 설치 예산을 반영한 것이며, 아동학대대응체계 구축관리 예산 약 9억 원이 아동정책조정 및 인권증진 예산에서 이관되었기 때문이다. 아동학대 관련 예산도 사회의 큰 관심을 반영하여 계획대로 예산을 확보하고 있는 것으로 보인다.

가정위탁 지원·운영 입양단체 사후관리 지원 

가정위탁 지원 및 운영 사업은 2024년 예산이 약 63억 원으로 19.5% 감소하였는데, 이는 전반적으로 사업실적이 적은 경우 사업량을 감소시켰고, 위기아동 가정보호와 전문가정위탁 사업을 통합 관리하면서 아동 수가 감소하였기 때문이다. 입양단체 등 사후관리지원 예산은 21억 원으로 22% 증가하였다. 사업내용은 전년과 유사하나, 국내외 누적 입양인 증가 등을 고려하여 입양인 사후지원서비스 및 입양정책지원 예산을 확대한 것으로 보인다.


Meanwhile, the budget for the Child Development Support Account, which supports initial social integration funds for children from vulnerable backgrounds, increased significantly to approximately 1.267 trillion won in 2024, a 154% increase compared to 499 billion won in 2023. This increase can be attributed to the expansion of the eligibility age for children from basic livelihood support households from originally 12-17 years old to 0-17 years old. This expansion is positively evaluated as it can contribute to a more robust asset formation for children in basic livelihood support households.

Support for Group Homes for Vulnerable Children and Prevention of Child Abuse and Protection of Victims

The budget for supporting group homes for vulnerable children in 2024 amounted to 523 billion won, marking a 10.9% increase. This increase is attributed to the establishment of 36 new shelters for children victims of abuse and the incorporation of additional personnel and increased labor costs for group homes for vulnerable children and shelters for children victims of abuse. Additionally, the budget for the prevention of child abuse and protection of victims increased by approximately 73 billion won (about 17.6%) compared to 2023. This increase is attributed to budget allocation for establishing 10 new child protection specialized agencies in line with the "Child Abuse Response System Enhancement Plan" announced by the Ministry of Health and Welfare in August 2021, and the transfer of approximately 9 billion won from the budget for child policy coordination and human rights promotion to the budget for establishing and managing the child abuse response system. The budget for child abuse-related programs reflects significant societal concerns and indicates planned budget allocations are being secured as intended.

Support for Foster Care Operations and Post-Adoption Agency Management

The budget for supporting foster care operations in 2024 decreased by approximately 19.5% to around 63 billion won. This decrease is attributed to overall low program performance, leading to a reduction in program volume, and a decrease in the number of children due to the integrated management of crisis child protection and professional foster care. The budget for post-adoption agency management, including post-adoption support for adoptive parents, increased by 22% to 21 billion won. The program content remains similar to the previous year, but the budget expansion is likely due to considerations such as the increase in domestic and international adoptive parents.


아동수당 저소득층 기저귀·조제분유 지원 

아동·청소년분야 예산 중 가장 큰 비중을 차지하는 아동수당은 2024년 약 2조 1,115억 원으로 전년 대비 약 6.4% 감소하였고, 감액은 1,449억 원으로 가장 큰 금액이다. 이는 출산율 저하로 인한 출생아 수의 자연 감소 때문이다. 아동의 기본권 보장과 아동 양육에 대한 사회적 책임 강화를 위하여 지급 대상과 지급액의 단계적 인상이 필요한 상황임에도 아동 인구의 자연 감소로 확보 가능한 예산조차 적극적으로 활용하지 않는 것은 정부의 정책적인 의지가 부족한 것으로 해석할 수 있다. 저소득층 기저귀·조제분유 지원 사업은 2023년 383억 원에서 2024년 예산이 약 394억 원으로 2.8%로 증가하였는데, 이는 지원 대상이 소폭 증가하였기 때문이다.

아동안전 전문교육, 아동정책조정 인권증진 

아동안전 전문교육 예산은 전년 대비 전액 삭감되었다. 또한, 아동정책조정 및 인권 증진 예산도 약 19억 원으로 전년 대비 40.7% 감소하였다. 줄어든 예산 중 아동학대대응체계 구축관리 사업은 아동학대 예방 피해아동 보호 예산으로 이관된 것이지만, 아동정책조정 및 사업관리를 위한 연구비 예산 약 5억 원이 삭감되는 등 전반적으로 관련 연구 예산이 감소하였으며, 이번 정부 예산의 연구비 삭감 기조와 같은 맥락으로 해석할 수 있다.


아동권리보장원 운영지원 예산은 2024년 약 264억 원으로 전년 대비 약 7억 원(약 2.7%) 증액되었다. 예산 증액의 주된 이유는 입양특례법 전부개정(2023.6.30.)에 따라 아동권리보장원의 입양정책위원회 사무국 설치 비용과 입양기록물 조사연구 비용 등을 반영하였기 때문이다.

초등돌봄 사업 예산 

지역아동센터 관련 예산은 총 2,518억 원으로 전년 대비 약10.0% 증가하였다. 이는 종사자 인건비 단가가 2.5% 인상되고, 25인 이상 시설의 생활복지사 1인 인건비 6개월분이 반영되었기 때문이다. 약자복지 차원에서 취약계층 아동 이용률이 높은 지역아동센터 지원을 강화하려고 한 것으로 보이나, 환경개선비를 전액 삭감한 것은 다함께돌봄센터와의 형평성과 양질의 돌봄환경 조성 등으로 인한 높은 환경개선 요구에 역행하는 결정이다. 다함께돌봄센터 관련 예산은 총 577억 원으로 전년과 유사한 수준이다. 이는 종사자 인건비 단가를 2.5% 인상했으나, 신규시설 물량이 전년 대비 204개소에서 125개소로 감소하였고, 다함께돌봄센터 운영시간 연장에 따른 예산이 지역아동센터 지원 예산으로 이관되었으며, 학교돌봄터 예산이 전액 삭감되었기 때문이다. 초등돌봄 수요-공급 격차가 여전히 매우 큰 상황에서 신규 물량 수를 줄인 것은 초등돌봄에 대한 국민의 요구에 대한 적절한 대응이 아니다. 유사 사업인 늘봄학교가 2024년에 전국으로 확대되더라도 실제 서비스양이 급격히 늘지는 않을 것이고, 3학년 이상의 초등학생들에 대한 마을 돌봄 수요는 여전히 높다는 점을 고려하여 신규 물량을 더 증가시켰어야 했다. 다부처에서 수행되고 있는 초등돌봄 사업 특성을 고려하여 여성가족부 예산도 살펴보면, 여성가족부의 청소년방과후활동지원 예산은 315억 원으로 전년과 거의 유사한 수준이다(0.8% 감소). 보건복지부의 초등돌봄 관련 예산을 종합하면 초등돌봄 관련 예산 중 25인 이상 지역아동센터의 생활복지사 인건비를 추가로 반영한 점은 고무적이나, 전년과 마찬가지로 지역아동센터 환경을 개선하거나 부족한 돌봄서비스 공급을 확대하려는 노력은 불충분한 것으로 보인다.


Child Allowance and Support for Diapers and Infant Formula for Low-Income Families

The child allowance, which constitutes the largest proportion of the budget in the children and youth sector, amounted to approximately 21.115 trillion won in 2024, representing a decrease of about 6.4% compared to the previous year. The reduction of 1.449 trillion won is the largest among the decreases. This decrease is attributed to the natural decrease in the number of newborns due to declining birth rates. Despite the need for gradual increases in the recipients and amounts of payments to ensure the guarantee of children's basic rights and enhance societal responsibility for child rearing, the fact that even the budget available due to the natural decrease in child population is not actively utilized can be interpreted as a lack of government policy determination. The budget for support for diapers and infant formula for low-income families increased by 2.8% from 383 billion won in 2023 to approximately 394 billion won in 2024, attributed to a slight increase in the number of beneficiaries.

Specialized Education for Child Safety, Child Policy Coordination, and Human Rights Promotion

The budget for specialized education for child safety was completely reduced compared to the previous year. Additionally, the budget for child policy coordination and human rights promotion decreased by approximately 40.7% to around 19 billion won compared to the previous year. Among the reduced budgets, the budget for the establishment and management of the child abuse response system was transferred to the budget for child abuse prevention and protection of child victims. Overall, there was a decrease in research budgets related to child policy coordination and management, reflecting the trend of budget reductions in research under this government's budget.

Korea Child Rights Guarantee Agency (Paperslip Note: NCRC - The National Center for the Rights of the Child)

The budget for operational support for the Korea Child Rights Guarantee Agency increased by approximately 700 million won (about 2.7%) to approximately 26.4 billion won in 2024 compared to the previous year. The main reason for the budget increase is the inclusion of costs for establishing the Secretariat of the Adoption Policy Committee of the Korea Child Rights Guarantee Agency and conducting investigations and research on adoption records, following the full amendment of the Adoption Special Act on June 30, 2023.

Paperslip Note: The “Secretariat of the Adoption Policy Committee of the Korea Child Rights Guarantee Agency” is the new supervisory board of NCRC composed primarily of those who oppose Korean Adoptees’ Right to Origin (with the exception of GOAL). The “full amendment of the Adoption Special Act on June 30, 2023” refers to the Special Adoption Law (SAL) revision of 2023 in which it was determined that adoption files would be moved from Korean Adoption Agencies to the Korean government (NCRC) beginning in July 2025. 

Elementary Care Programs

The budget for local child centers amounted to a total of 2.518 trillion won, representing an approximately 10.0% increase compared to the previous year. This increase is attributed to a 2.5% increase in personnel labor costs and the reflection of six months' worth of personnel labor costs for welfare workers in facilities with 25 or more staff. While it appears that efforts were made to strengthen support for the utilization of local child centers, particularly in areas where the usage rate by children from vulnerable backgrounds is high, the decision to entirely cut environmental improvement expenses goes against efforts to ensure fairness and create high-quality care environments, especially concerning the demands of the "Together Childcare Centers" and the need for quality care provision. The budget for "Together Childcare Centers" remained similar to the previous year, totaling 577 billion won. This is despite a 2.5% increase in personnel labor costs, a decrease in the number of new facilities from 204 to 125 compared to the previous year, the transfer of budget for extended operating hours of "Together Childcare Centers" to the budget for supporting local child centers, and the complete reduction of budgets for school care centers. Reducing new facility quotas in a situation where there is still a significant gap between supply and demand for elementary care services does not adequately respond to public demands for elementary care. Even with the expansion of similar services such as "Nurture Schools" nationwide in 2024, the actual increase in service capacity is not expected to be significant, and the demand for community care for elementary students in third grade and above remains high. Considering the characteristics of elementary care programs being conducted across various ministries, examining the budget of the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family reveals that the budget for supporting after-school activities for adolescents amounts to 315 billion won, which is almost similar to the previous year (0.8% decrease). When consolidating budgets related to elementary care from the Ministry of Health and Welfare, it is noteworthy that additional labor costs for welfare workers in local child centers with 25 or more staff were reflected. However, efforts to improve the environment of local child centers or expand insufficient care service supply seem inadequate, similar to the previous year.


국민건강증진기금 사업 

모자보건사업은 2024년 약 244억 원으로 지난해에 비해 약 81.8% 크게 증가하였다. 이는 임신 사전건강관리 지원사업 예산의 신규 편성 및 고위험 임산부 지원 예산 증액이 주된 요인이며, 난임부부 지원이 확대된 것도 하나의 이유이다. 영유아 사전예방적 건강관리사업은 작년에 해당 사업 예산을 21.3% 삭감하여 많은 비판을 받았었는데, 올해는 사업 예산이 약 78억 원으로 지난해에 비해 약 19.1% 증가하였다. 이는 선천성이상아 의료비 지원요건 완화 및 소득 기준 폐지로 미숙아 및 선천성이상아 의료비 지원 대상이 확대되었기 때문이며, 미숙아 및 선천성이상아 보호에 대한 국가책임을 강화한 것으로 평가할 수 있다.

여성가족부 아동·청소년 분야 예산 

여성가족부의 0~12세 아동 대상 가정돌봄서비스 예산인 아이돌봄 지원 예산은 4,679억 원으로 2023년에 비해 31.9%라는 큰 폭의 증가를 보였다. 2023년에도 큰 폭(27.7%)으로 증가하였는데 올해도 이 기조를 이어간 것이다. 가정 내 아이돌봄 서비스를 확대한다는 점에서는 가정 내 돌봄 수요 충족에 기여할 수 있을 것으로 보이나, 초등돌봄 시설의 개선 및 확충 노력이 부족한 상황에서 비용효율성이 높은 가정 중심의 보호서비스에 치중한다는 한계가 있다. 양성평등기금의 한부모가족자녀 양육비 등 지원 사업 예산은 5,356억 원으로 8.0%가 증가하였는데, 급여 수준을 20만 원에서 21만 원으로 인상한 것이 주된 인상 요인이다. 청소년한부모 아동 양육 및 자립지원 예산은 33억 원으로 36.5%가 감소하였다. 이는 사업 대상 인원의 감소와 청소년한부모 자립지원패키지 예산의 순감때문이다. 

청소년한부모 자립지원 패키지는 취약·위기가족 통합 지원 사업에 청소년한부모 사례관리가 포함되면서 순감한 것으로, 사업이 폐지된 것은 아니다. 여성가족부의 아동·청소년복지 예산은 총 1조 1,763억 원으로 전년 대비 14.7% 증가했으나, 앞서 논의한 아이돌봄지원사업과 한부모가족자녀 양육비 등 지원 사업 예산이 여성가족부의 아동·청소년복지 예산의 대부분을 차지하고 있다. 이를 제외한 나머지 아동·청소년복지서비스 사업 예산은 전체적으로 감액 편성된 편이다. 아동·청소년복지 서비스사업 예산의 감소는 서비스복지 강화라는 현 정부의 기조와는 배치되는 예산 편성이다.


National Health Promotion Fund Programs

The maternity and child health program budget increased significantly to about 244 billion won in 2024, representing an approximately 81.8% increase compared to the previous year. This increase is mainly attributed to the allocation of new budgets for prenatal health management support programs and increased budgets for high-risk pregnant women support, along with an expansion of support for infertile couples. The budget for preventive healthcare for infants and toddlers faced considerable criticism last year when it was reduced by 21.3%. However, this year, the budget increased by about 19.1% to approximately 78 billion won. This increase is due to the relaxation of support conditions for medical expenses for congenital anomalies and the removal of income criteria, resulting in an expansion of the target group for medical expense support for premature infants and infants with congenital anomalies, thus enhancing the national responsibility for protecting premature infants and infants with congenital anomalies.

Ministry of Gender Equality and Family Budget in the Children and Youth Sector

The budget for in-home childcare support for children aged 0 to 12, known as "Idol Childcare Support," increased significantly by 31.9% to 4.679 trillion won compared to 2023. This follows a similar significant increase of 27.7% in 2023. While expanding in-home childcare services can contribute to meeting the demand for in-home care, there is a limitation in focusing on home-centered protective services with high cost-effectiveness in a situation where efforts to improve and expand elementary care facilities are insufficient. The budget for support programs such as single-parent child-rearing expenses from the Gender Equality Fund increased by 8.0% to 5.356 trillion won, primarily due to raising the payment level from 200,000 won to 210,000 won. However, the budget for support for teenage single parents' childcare and self-reliance decreased by 36.5% to 33 billion won, mainly due to a decrease in the number of beneficiaries and a net reduction in the budget for the teenage single parent self-reliance support package.

The reduction in the teenage single parent self-reliance support package is due to its inclusion in the integrated support for vulnerable and crisis families, but the program has not been abolished. The Ministry of Gender Equality and Family's budget for children and youth welfare totaled 1.1763 trillion won, representing a 14.7% increase compared to the previous year. However, the budgets for programs such as Idol Childcare Support and support for single-parent child-rearing expenses dominate the Ministry's children and youth welfare budget. Excluding these, most of the remaining budgets for children and youth welfare services have been reduced. The reduction in the budget for children and youth welfare services aligns with the current government's policy direction of strengthening service welfare.


기획재정부의 복권기금 사업 

기획재정부의 복권기금으로 편성된 아동복지시설 아동치료·재활지원 사업, 입양아동 가족지원, 아동복지시설 기능보강은 지난해와 동일한 사업이며, 2024년 270억 원이 편성되어 전년 대비 10.4% 감액 편성되었다. 세부 사업별로 아동복지시설 아동치료·재활지원 사업은 특별한 설명 없이 재활치료 인원을 1,650명에서 1,500명으로 축소하고, 치료 횟수도 18회에서 16회로 축소하여 전년 대비 15% 감액하였다. 입양아동 가족지원 예산은 전년 대비 10% 감액되었는데, 이는 보건복지부가 국내외 입양인 증가를 사유로 입양단체 등 사후관리지원 예산을 22% 증액한 것과는 배치된다. 또한, 아동복지시설 기능보강 예산도 10%가 단순 감액된 점을 고려할 때, 복권기금의 아동복지사업들이 감액된 이유가 불분명하다.


윤석열 정부의 두 번째 해 보건복지부 아동·청소년분야의 예산은 2023년 대비 약간 감소하였으며, 이는 사회복지예산이 13.7% 증가한 것과 크게 대비된다. 이러한 추이는 첫 해 예산의 감소 추이와 유사하며, 윤석열 정부는 2년째 아동 인구 감소에 따른 자연감소분을 아동·청소년복지 수준의 향상을 위해 사용하는 적극성을 보여주지 않고 있다. 대표적인 약자인 아동·청소년 예산을 감소시켰다는 점에서 약자복지 기조와는 배치되는 예산 편성이다. 0~5세를 제외한 6~17세의 아동 예산은 교육예산이 대부분이고, 현금과 서비스 예산이 OECD 최하위 수준3)이라는 점에서 아동·청소년복지 예산은 상당한 확대가 요구된다. 또한 유엔아동권리위원회도 아동권리협약 제5·6차 권고사항에서 GDP 대비 낮은 아동 예산을 지적하고 GDP에 비례한 아동예산 확대를 권고한 바 있다4). 그러나 아동·청소년 1인당 예산은 약 41만 원으로 작년 대비 1만 원으로 소폭 증가하고, 총예산은 소폭 감소하여, 필요한 확대 수준에 비해 부족한 예산을 편성하였다고 볼 수 있다.


Ministry of Planning and Finance Lottery Fund Programs

The Ministry of Planning and Finance's lottery fund programs, including child welfare facility therapy and rehabilitation support for children, support for adoptive families, and enhancement of functions in child welfare facilities, remained the same as last year, with a budget allocation of 270 billion won for 2024, representing a decrease of 10.4% compared to the previous year. In detail, the budget for child welfare facility therapy and rehabilitation support reduced by 15% compared to the previous year, with a reduction in the number of rehabilitation therapy beneficiaries from 1,650 to 1,500 and a decrease in therapy sessions from 18 to 16. The budget for support to adoptive families decreased by 10% compared to the previous year, which contrasts with the 22% increase in the budget for post-adoption support for adoption agencies due to the increase in domestic and international adoptions cited by the Ministry of Health and Welfare. Furthermore, considering the simple reduction of 10% in the budget for enhancing the functions of child welfare facilities, the reasons for the reduction in funding for child welfare projects funded by the lottery fund remain unclear.


In the second year of the Yoon Suk-yeol administration, the budget for the Ministry of Health and Welfare's children and youth sector slightly decreased compared to 2023, contrasting significantly with the 13.7% increase in social welfare budgets. This trend is similar to the budget decrease observed in the first year and indicates a lack of enthusiasm from the Yoon Suk-yeol administration to utilize the natural decrease in child population for improving the level of children and youth welfare. The budget allocation, which reduced funding for vulnerable groups such as children and youth, contradicts the welfare-oriented policy. The budget for children aged 6 to 17, excluding those aged 0 to 5, primarily consists of education budgets, and cash and service budgets are at the bottom of the OECD rankings. Therefore, there is a significant demand for expansion in children and youth welfare budgets. Additionally, the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child has highlighted the low allocation of child budgets relative to GDP in its 5th and 6th recommendations under the Convention on the Rights of the Child, recommending an increase in child budgets proportional to GDP. However, the budget per child and youth stands at approximately 410,000 won, showing a slight increase of 10,000 won compared to last year, while the total budget decreased slightly, indicating an insufficient budget allocation compared to the necessary expansion level.


사업별로 ‘약자복지’가 선택적으로 반영되면서 약자복지라는 정부의 기조가 반영되었는지 혼란스러운 부분들이 있다. 아동발달지원계좌, 자립준비청년자립지원 체계 구축, 난임부부 지원, 미숙아·선천성이상아 지원, 25인 이상 지역아동센터 추가 인력 지원 등의 예산이 크게 증가한 것은 약자복지의 의지가 반영된 것으로 해석될 수 있다. 하지만 지역아동센터 환경개선비와 학교돌봄터사업비를 전액 삭감하고, 아동관련 연구비를 대폭 삭감한 것은 약자복지와는 배치되는 예산편성으로 해석된다. 또한 지원 대상이나 지원 수준의 확대가 요구되는 요보호아동 자립 지원, 요보호아동 그룹홈 운영지원, 가정위탁 지원 및 운영, 다함께돌봄센터 확충, 아동수당 등에 대해서는 소극적으로 예산을 편성하여, 약자복지의 방향과는 상충되는 예산을 편성하였다. 한편, 서비스를 고도화시키려면 젠더와 노동의 관점에서 종사자 처우 개선을 시도해야 하는데, 지속적으로 문제시되고 있는 열악한 종사자 처우 개선을 위한 예산 편성이 거의 없다는 점은 문제이며, 이는 젠더 및 노동의 계층화를 더욱 심화시킬 것이다. 아동·청소년이 살기 좋은 사회환경을 구축하는 것이 그 어느 때보다 시급한 국가의 과제가 된 만큼 약자인 모든 아동의 기본권을 보장하기 위한 예산의 적극적 확대가 요구된다. 


There are confusing aspects regarding whether the government's policy direction of "welfare for the vulnerable" has been consistently reflected in each project. The significant increase in budgets for projects such as child development support accounts, support systems for preparing youth for independence, support for infertile couples, support for premature and congenitally disabled infants, and additional staffing for child centers with 25 or more children can be interpreted as reflecting the government's commitment to welfare for the vulnerable. However, the complete reduction in environmental improvement funds for local child centers, school childcare center operating funds, and significant cuts in child-related research funds can be interpreted as budget allocations that do not align with the welfare for the vulnerable policy.

Furthermore, regarding projects such as support for children in need of protection for independence, support for operating group homes for children in need of protection, support for foster care, expansion of community care centers, and child benefits, budgets have been allocated passively, resulting in budgets that conflict with the direction of welfare for the vulnerable.

On the other hand, if we aim to improve services, efforts should be made to improve the treatment of workers from a gender and labor perspective. However, the almost non-existent budget allocation for addressing the persistently problematic treatment of workers will exacerbate gender and labor stratification. As building a society with a conducive environment for children and youth has become an urgent national task, there is a pressing need for actively expanding the budget to ensure the basic rights of all vulnerable children.”