About Us.
Paperslip.org was founded in 2020.
We are a volunteer organization of Korean Adoptees adopted through Korea Social Services / KSS (S. Korea), dedicated to helping other adult Korean Adoptees who were adopted through KSS and its Partner Western Adoption Agencies.
We do NOT represent KSS itself nor its Partner Western Adoption Agencies in any way.
We have helped countless KSS Adoptees request a birth family search and obtain their formerly secret “Korean Adoptive Child Study Summary” from KSS.
We are NOT affiliated in any way with DKRG (Danish Korean Rights Group) or any of the *KRG groups.
Our Mission
We are a volunteer organization of Korean Adoptees adopted through Korea Social Services / KSS (S. Korea), dedicated to helping connect other adult Korean Adoptees who were adopted through KSS and its Partner Western Adoption Agencies:
International Social Service (ISS)
Welcome House / Pearl S. Buck Foundation - (Pennsylvania, US)
Lutheran Social Services (LSS) - (Minnesota, US)
Wereldkinderen - (Netherlands)
Adoption Center (AC) - (Denmark)
Love The Children (LTC) - (Pennsylvania, US)
Terre des Hommes - (Switzerland)
Family / Foreign Adoption Consultants (FAC) / F&CS Foster Care and Adoption Service - (Michigan, US)
*Note: Click here for a hyperlinked list of ALL of KSS’ Partner Western Adoption Agencies with links to information about each individual Partner Western Adoption Agency.
*Note: The adoptions of some KSS Adoptees were also facilitated through Holt in Korea, and KSS’ Western Partner Agencies in the US.
There is information which you should know if you are a KSS Adoptee which we will not be posting publicly. Please contact us for more info. via email at: paperslipadoptee@gmail.com
You can also contact us via our public “Paperslip” Facebook page here.
For Korea Social Service (KSS) Adoptees ONLY, we recommend that you join our private Facebook group called KSS Cribmates here.
Please note that you must be able to demonstrate that you are a KSS Adoptee in order to join. Please be sure to answer the Membership Questions. If you do not know the answer to some questions, write “I do not know”. You can contact us if you have issues. Those who do not answer Membership Questions will not be accepted. Thank you!
Writers / Contributors.
We consider that Paperslip is written through the lives of KSS (Korea Social Service) Adoptees adopted from 1964-2012 to the US, Netherlands, Denmark, and Switzerland. Without the many contributions of KSS Adoptees worldwide, there would be no Paperslip. We are grateful to the many KSS Adoptees who have shared their information with us over the years. Thank you to everyone who has contributed.
Why the name "Paperslip"?
We decided to call our group "Paperslip" because so many KSS Adoptees have this copy + paste Orphanization statement in their Western / English facing adoption paperwork. While the copy / paste terms "paper-slip" and “memo” are unique to KSS, this type of Orphanization language is common not only in KSS Adoptee adoption paperwork, but in Korean Adoptee adoption paperwork in general. This is because in order for Korean children to be adopted internationally to the Western receiving countries in the US, Europe, and Australia, children had to be considered "abandoned", in order to match the Western definition of an "orphan". This is a common practice utilized in Korean Adoption generally known as Orphanization. Consequently, our REAL family backgrounds (if known) and / or information about where we were really born / found / relinquished was covered up by our Korean Adoption Agency, KSS, which secretly kept our REAL records in its file room in Seoul. KSS still has our real adoption records in Korea. They are all housed in KSS' post-adoption services building, which is the last remaining building of its original Seoul campus.
Find out about how to initiate a Birth Family Search with Korea Social Service (KSS) in Seoul here.
We are happy to help answer your questions about the procedure.
There is information which you should know if you are a KSS Adoptee which we will not be posting publicly.
Please contact us for more info.
Read important information about the process of “Orphanization” and how it relates to your Birth Family Search here.
*While this website is mostly geared toward Adoptees who were adopted through the Korean Adoption Agency Korea Social Service (KSS), there is also information here which is relevant to ALL Korean Adoptees, regardless of their Korean Adoption Agency. Please read carefully to note what info. is purely relevant to KSS Adoptees and what is generally relevant to ALL Korean Adoptees.
We Wrote KSS History With Our Lives.
It’s ironically fitting that we should have to piece together the history of KSS ourselves, given that many of us have been offered little of our own histories by our Korean and US / European Adoption Agencies. This is an evolving story, with many contributors. Thank you to those who have shared their stories and their recollections with us! Every bit of info. is valuable to us.