KSS (Korea Social Service) Birth Family Search News Update - February 2025.
Above - Our Information Ahjumma
We spoke with someone familiar with KSS and birth family search, and it's believed that KSS may have just ONE remaining social worker at KSS. (Previously there were 3).
KSS is only accepting appointments twice per week, with one morning and one afternoon appointment. They are strongly prioritizing KSS Adoptees who have NEVER been to KSS before.
They are focused on the file movement to NCRC in July 2025 which is why they do not offer many in-person appointment timeslots at KSS in Seoul. The person we spoke with also agrees that the file movement of ALL Korean Adoption files (including KSS files) to the Korean Government Agency NCRC (National Center for the Rights of the Child) will be really bad for Adoptees.
Please contact us IMMEDIATELY at paperslipadoptee@gmail.com for FREE birth family search assistance if you are a KSS Adoptee!
For instructions on how to request a birth family search and the formerly secret “KOREAN Adoptive Child Study Summary” from KSS, please see:
KSS Adoptees MUST ACT NOW To Request A Birth Family Search + KOREAN Adoptive Child Study Summary!
KSS Adoptees ONLY should join KSS Cribmates for timely updates regarding birth family search - please be sure to answer the membership questions.
Thank you!