Misc. Orphanages

Please note that this page contains information relevant to ALL Korean Adoptees.

We stumbled across a set of PDFs containing address and contact information for a number of what appear to be currently active orphanages in S. Korea.

Please note that we do NOT know with which Korean Adoption Agencies these orphanages are affiliated. These orphanages may NOT be specifically related to the Korean Adoption Agency KSS (Korea Social Service). These orphanages could be related to ANY Korean Adoption Agency, or they could be related to NO Korean Adoption Agency. We simply don’t know. We have provided these lists here for those who are seeking to find their orphanages.

Also, this list is NOT exhaustive. It does NOT necessarily contain ALL orphanages in a city, nor the historical /previous addresses of orphanages which may have moved or may have been closed. Please properly INVESTIGATE on your own to determine IF any of these orphanages relate to your story. Please DO

Busan Orphanages (PDF)

Daegu Orphanages (PDF)

Daejeon Orphanages (PDF)

Gwangju Orphanages (PDF)

Incheon Orphanages (PDF)

Jeju Orphanages (PDF)

Jeollanam Province Orphanages (PDF)

Seoul Orphanages (PDF)

Ulsan Orphanages (PDF)

General Tip for Online Searching for KOREAN place / people names spelled in ENGLISH:

Search tip:
Many Korean Adoptees will naturally start out searching for things online in ENGLISH. However - pro-tip: Koreans in Korea speak and write in KOREAN. Hello! So when you are searching for a name that you know in English - for example, an Orphanage name that is spelled in English as “Sun Wah Orphanage” - try FIRST translating this to KOREAN (preferably through ChatGPT, which is far more accurate than Google Translate or Papago) - and THEN searching BOTH Google AND NAVER (Korea’s top search engine) for the KOREAN term. Ya know? *Please NOTE: You have to be careful as ANY automatic translator (ChatGPT, Google Translate, Google Lens, Papago) are NOT going to be perfect. So you could end up chasing down some bad rabbit holes on bad data. But for recreational search purposes, give this a try. For SERIOUS searches - hire yourself a REAL, LIVE TRANSLATOR.

See more search tips here:
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