ChatGPT is A Game Changer for Korean and Hanja Text Translation.

Guys, seriously, register for a free ChatGPT account. This is the best way out there to translate Korean and Hanja (an older mix of Korean + Chinese) text. You can also of course translate from English or other languages to Korean.

is so far free and easy to use. You will need to create an account which will only take you a few minutes. Once you are registered and logged in, in the ChatGPT window simply copy / paste the Korean or Hanja text you wish to translate, hit enter, and voila: instant translation that is much better than Papago and way better than Google Translate.

Because ChatGPT cannot yet handle image translation (such as a photo of a document with text), we still recommend that for image text you use a combination of Google Lens and ChatGPT. So for example if you only have a photo of a Korean document, type translate and hit space / enter in your browser, this should bring you to Google Lens. Upload your image by clicking on the camera icon, then select and copy the Korean text from Google Lens once it is generated, then paste it into ChatGPT for a better translation than Google Translate or Papago can provide.

*Please note that because Google Lens does not have as strong a Korean or Hanja translation ability *(yet) as does ChatGPT, that you should NEVER 100% rely on any Google Lens text in terms of accuracy - especially not for anything related to serious birth family search. Google Lens is mainly recreational when it comes to complex Korean image text. This is especially true when it comes to trying to figure out addresses or names of Korean birth parents or other family member names. For serious birth family search, please verify any Google Lens translation with a real Korean translator, or try to obtain text which you can directly copy / paste into ChatGPT.

Please note! Be sure to double-check that any important image text and numbers which you have copied / pasted from Google Lens into ChatGPT (or other translation app like Papago or Google Translate) matches the text and numbers from the image you have uploaded to Google Lens. You should be especially diligent in checking when the text / numbers in the original image have been handwritten and not typed, or are blurry or obsurred. The last thing you want to do is waste time looking up a Korean address or name which has been incorrectly interpreted!

So far, ChatGPT works best with text you can directly copy / paste (vs. image text which you would need to first upload to Google Lens before you would be able to copy / paste any text from there to ChatGPT).

Papago is still (sadly) the best for voice translation, but let’s hope that AI makes that much better!

Using ChatGPT for Queries.

You can also use ChatGPT for queries (questions). A query is just like Google, where you type in a question or phrase. ChatGPT can get some things wrong for sure when querying it, so be sure to double check any information that is essential for your birth family search online, but it can be helpful overall in getting the gist of some things we don't understand since we don't speak Korean.

For example, we just queried:

What is a 주민센터?


A "주민센터" (Jumin Center) is a term used in South Korea, referring to a local administrative office or community service center. These centers serve as a vital part of the local government infrastructure and provide various services to residents within a specific jurisdiction or neighborhood.

The primary function of a 주민센터 is to provide administrative and civil services at the grassroots level. These centers offer a wide range of services, including:

1. Resident registration: Handling matters related to resident registration, such as issuing identification cards, registering births, deaths, marriages, and handling changes of address.

2. Public services: Providing information and assistance regarding public welfare, social security benefits, and local government programs. This includes assistance with applications for government subsidies or benefits.

3. Civil affairs: Addressing civil matters such as notarizations, certifications, and issuing various certificates, including family relations certificates, resident certificates, and more.

4. Community engagement: Facilitating community activities, promoting local events, and supporting neighborhood associations. 주민센터 often organize community meetings and gatherings to foster interaction and engagement among residents.

5. Public inquiries: Acting as a local point of contact for residents to inquire about local regulations, government services, and addressing complaints or concerns.

The specific services and functions of a 주민센터 can vary slightly between different regions or local governments.

These centers aim to enhance community welfare, provide convenient access to administrative services, and ensure effective communication between residents and local authorities.


For more about how to use a "주민센터" (Jumin Center) in birth family search, please see Tip 1A here: Pro-Active  Birth Family Search Tips for KSS (Korea Social Service) and ALL Korean Adoptees.