New MBC Video Highlights The Failures of NCRC - The Korean Government Agency Which Takes Over ALL Korean Adoption Files In July 2025.

KSS Adoptees With ANY Interest In Birth Family Search Should Act NOW!

Please note that the FULL version of the video above can be seen here on YouTube.

Our AI image representation of the movement of ALL Korean Adoption files from ALL Korean Adoption Agencies to the Korean Government Agency NCRC (National Center for the Rights of the Child) starting in July 2025. This image is meant to scare you into acting NOW - BEFORE the movement of files.

Posted January 14th, 2025:

Currently there is an MBC video playing LIVE about Korean Adoption.

Amongst others, it features two Danish KSS (Korea Social Service) Adoptees, both of whom have been public about their own switch cases.

This video highlights the extreme issues with records management by the Korean Government Agency NCRC (National Center for the Rights of the Child). NCRC is slated to take over ALL Korean Adoption files from ALL Korean Adoption Agencies (including ALL files from KSS / Korea Social Service) beginning in July 2025. We feel this may be an unmitigated disaster.

These issues are WHY we so strongly urge any KSS Adoptees with an interest in birth family search and requesting their formerly secret "KOREAN Adoptive Child Study Summary" (or other documents) to act NOW - BEFORE ALL KSS FILES MOVE TO NCRC starting in July 2025. KSS Adoptees, please see below the link for more info!

YouTube Video -
Turn on CC for English captions:
[PD수첩/LIVE] 사라진 입양기록: 나를 지운 나라 - 2025년 1월 14일 밤 10시 20분
"[PD Notebook/LIVE] The Disappeared Adoption Records: The Country That Erased Me - January 14, 2025, at 10:20 PM"


KSS (Korea Social Service)
adopted to the US, Netherlands, Denmark and Switzerland through specific Partner Western Adoption Agencies between 1964-2012.

KSS (Korea Social Service) Adoptees ONLY should contact us at for FREE birth family search assistance.

For KSS (Korea Social Service) Adoptees ONLY, here is the process for birth family search / BFS:

Please see the “Step By Step Illustrated Guide” about halfway down the page linked below for complete instructions on how to officially request BOTH a birth family search AND your formerly secret “KOREAN Adoptive Child Study Summary” (which was NOT obtainable prior to mid 2021):

Step by Step Korea Social Service (KSS) Birth Family Search:

Please complete STEPS 1-4, then email your completed forms to us at for a FREE review of your forms, BEFORE you send them to KSS. This could save you YEARS of wasted time.

We will send you additional important instructions once you email us for a review of your form.

For those who have already completed STEPS 1-5 and have already heard back from KSS, please be sure to read STEP 7!

KSS Adoptees please join: KSS Cribmates - please be sure to answer the membership questions!



Non-KSS Adoptees (those NOT adopted through KSS) please see: 

The Same Questions That Korean Adoptees Ask All The Time: