Petition for the Protection of Adoptee Rights for Matthieu Sung-Tan.


Above: French Adoptee Matthieu Sung-Tan, who suffers from FATAL INSOMNIA, in better days. His request to NCRC that they honor the birth family search exception clause (for those Adoptee suffering from life threatening illnesses) has been heartlessly DENIED.

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마티외 성탄을 위한 입양인 권리보장 촉구 서명 

Petition for the Protection of Adoptee Rights for Matthieu Sung-Tan

이 서명은 치명적 불면증(Fatal Insomnia)이라는 유전병을 앓고 있는 입양인 마티외 성탄이 반드시 필요한 치료를 받을 수 있도록 아동권리보장원(NCRC)이 친생부모의 정보를 공개할 것을 요구하는 서명입니다.

This petition urgently demands the National Center for the Rights of the Child (NCRC) to disclose the biological parents' information of Matthieu Sung-Tan, an adoptee suffering from Fatal Insomnia, a genetic disease, as it is essential for him to receive the necessary medical treatment.


NCRC Denies Birth Family Search Exception Clause for Holt French Korean Adoptee With Fatal Insomnia.

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