NEW PUBLIC Facebook Group: Korean Adoptees Searching For Birth Family Rationally

We decided there needed to be a space where Korean Adoptees were forced by the rules to create RATIONAL and LOGICAL birth family search posts. Instead of what we consistently see on some birth family search forums where Korean Adoptees (bless them) post something vague and unhelpful such as, “Hi, I was born in Seoul. Anyone else born in Seoul?! Do you know my family?!” We have seen these poorly thought out posts ONE TOO MANY TIMES. So we have decided to do something about it. If you are a Korean Adoptee, please join:

Korean Adoptees Searching For Birth Family Rationally

Please note - we are going to moderate this forum heavily to make sure that Korean Adoptees’ birth family search posts are much more meaningful, and hopefully, more helpful for someone looking to connect.

*This forum will be moderated by one of our contributors.

Please download the Questionnaire Form (Word format) which you are REQUIRED to complete before posting to the forum. Once you have completed the form, you can simply copy / paste the form questions and your answers to the forum, and upload any photos of yourself (baby / teen / adult) you wish to share. Please read the Questionnaire form for complete instructions.

Please see the section below if you do not have Word:

Questionnaire Form (If You Do Not Have Word):

If you do not have Word, here is the text from the Questionnaire Form:

Questionnaire – Korean Adoptees Searching For Birth Family Rationally:


In order to post to the Korean Adoptees Searching For Birth Family Rationally forum, you MUST fill out the following form FIRST. This form must be filled out in English. Please note that if there is information which you do not know, please write “I don’t know”. If something does not apply to you, please write “N/A” (Not Applicable). Please do not leave any fields blank. If you prefer not to share something simply write “confidential”.


Use this form as a WORKSHEET to fill out BEFORE you post your responses to the forum. You can simply copy / paste this form and your responses to the forum in your own post once you have completed this form. Please note that incomplete posts will be deleted, so please carefully fill out this form before posting!


Photos: If you want to post a photo of yourself, we recommend that you include your earliest baby / child photo, a photo of you as a teenager, and a photo of you as an adult.


Please note that you are sharing your information to a PUBLIC forum! You do NOT have to include any information which you are uncomfortable with sharing. We do not take any responsibility for what happens as a result of your sharing information to this PUBLIC Facebook forum. Identity theft is real, and you should be careful in what you share. You can opt to include as much or as little personal information as you like.


We also HIGHLY RECOMMEND that once you have completed this form, that you have it translated by a professional translator to KOREAN. We are sorry but we cannot refer you to a translator. However, if you happen to know one, or can find one, then we recommend you get your responses translate to Korean, since your intended audience is KOREAN. However, you can go ahead and post your English response FIRST, and later update it with your Korean text translation.



Your English Name (First, Last):

Your Korean Name, in order of
First, Middle, LAST (Please specify if this is ESTIMATED or CONFIRMED, and please CAPITALIZE your LAST NAME, for example: Jin Hee LEE):

Your KOREAN Adoption Agency:

Your Western (US, European, Canadian, Australian) Adoption Agency:

Your Western country of Adoption:

Your SEASON of Birth and Birth Year
- example: Spring 1980 (Please specify if this is ESTIMATED or CONFIRMED) – we recommend only using the SEASON and Year and NOT the exact birthdate for PRIVACY reasons but this is up to you):

Your City of Birth (Please specify if this is ESTIMATED or CONFIRMED):

Your Birth family search email address
(we recommend you create a dedicated birth family search email address and have this FORWARD to your real email address for privacy reasons. Please be sure to confirm that your email forwards properly):

Have you previously requested a birth family search through your KOREAN Adoption Agency? (Yes / No):

Have you previously requested a birth family search through your Western (US, European, Canadian, Australian) Adoption Agency? (Yes / No):

Do you have any record of your birth parent/s name/s and birthdate/s? Yes / No:

Have you previously found any close birth family members?

Your Birth Family Search Social Media Links (if applicable):

Your Identifying Characteristics (Specifically, as a baby / child before adoption):

Your Adoption Notes / History (Whatever you feel comfortable sharing):

Your Orphanage Name (Please specify if this is ESTIMATED or CONFIRMED):

Age at Relinquishment (Please specify if this is ESTIMATED or CONFIRMED):

Which, if any, DNA tests have you taken? Please indicate Yes or No next to each DNA test:

     23 and Me:


    FTDNA (Family Tree DNA - this is the test which has been distributed for years   for free to Korean Adoptees and Korean birth families by 325Kamra):



   Korean Police Missing Person’s DNA Test (taken at a police station in Korea or through a Korean consulate in your Western country of adoption):

If you are a US Adoptee, have you filed a FREE FOIA request? (Yes / No):

Have you previously visited Korea as an adult, or do you plan to visit Korea in the future? Yes / No:

Anything else you would like to add:


Once you have answered all of the questions above, please go ahead and copy and paste the questions and answers above and create a NEW post to the PUBLIC Facebook forum:

Korean Adoptees Searching For Birth Family Rationally

Thank you!