Associated Press / AP Articles Related To The FRONTLINE Documentary “South Korea’s Adoption Reckoning”.

We will post here a series of articles by Associated Press / AP which tie into the FRONTLINE documentary "South Korea's Adoption Reckoning"  premiering September 20th, 2024.

Article 2:
Who Am I Then? FRONTLINE / AP Interactive

Above - Screenshot from FRONTLINE / AP Interactive Story. Photography -Victor Tadashi Suarez

Robert Calabretta holds his baby photo from before he was adopted out of South Korea to a family in the United States, Thursday, Feb. 15, 2024, at his apartment in New York. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

"Her story is not uncommon. When children processed for adoption died, became too sick to travel or were found by their biological families, agencies often replaced them with other children instead of redoing the process from scratch, according to former adoption workers. At a meeting with an adoptee in 2021 where AP was present, a longtime worker said Western partner agencies were willing to take “any child of the same sex and similar age, because it would take too much time to start over again.”

Paperslip Note - The adoptee meeting in 2021 mentioned in the quote from the AP article above is our meeting at KSS with our social worker, where she admitted that Switching was common.