
*While this website is mostly geared toward Adoptees who were adopted through the Korean Adoption Agency Korea Social Service (KSS), there is also information here which is relevant to ALL Korean Adoptees, regardless of their Korean Adoption Agency. Please read carefully to note what info. is purely relevant to KSS Adoptees and what is generally relevant to ALL Korean Adoptees. This page is relevant to ALL Korean Adoptees.

Korea’s Late 1964 Passport Law:
Passport Act Enforcement Regulations[Enacted on September 10, 1964] [Ministry of Foreign Affairs Decree No. 39, September 10, 1964, Partial Amendment].


So far
we cannot find any Korean Passport Law which was enacted on January 1st, 1965 - this September 10th, 1964 Passport Law is the closest thing that we could find to any Korean Passport Law before January 1st, 1965. So we assume that this was the most relevant law to the time period during which Korean Adoptees began to receive “MB” Passport numbers from the Korean government. We do not know the EXACT date of the FIRST “MB” passport number given to a Korean Adoptee. Nor do we yet know if “MB” passport numbers were given to any OTHER groups apart from Korean Adoptees.

Also this appears to be only an amendment to Korean passport law, and not the entirety of the passport law.

Note that is mention of a possible “MIGRATION” passport in the text below, but other translation apps call this an “IMMIGRATION” passport. So we do not know yet if the “M” in “MB” stands for “Migrant” or “Multiple”, or neither of those options.

Please note we have alternated the original Korean text with our ChatGPT Translation below. We have BOLDED relevant information:

February 22nd, 2024: We keep trying to solve what “MB” means…“MB” shows up in ALL passports for Korean Adoptees (for which we have passport data) which were ISSUED between 1965-1974. So far, we can’t confirm what this seemingly SECRET / unknown “MB” number means, but we may have figured out a possible meaning!

Please see the
Korea’s Evolving Travel Document System page for more information about “MB” passport numbers.

Below: Screenshot from our ChatGPT session on February 22nd, 2024 where we asked it to translate the text from “Article 5 (Immigration Passport)”, which could potentially have applied to the Korean Adoptees who were apparently ALL receiving “MB” passport numbers on their Korean passports issued between 1965-1974.

Using (the not always reliable ChatGPT) could “MB” mean:

“Migration / Migrant Sea or Sea Migration / Migrant”?

Both “Sea” and “Ocean” in Korean are pronounced “Bada” - could this be the “B” in “MB”???

Possibly: 바다 이민 / sea immigration '/ Phonetically this is: bada imin - and could be construed as BM / MB (?)

"Migrant sea" in Hangul is "이민자 바다" (pronounced as "ee-min-ja ba-da")

"마사 바다 이민" translates to "Maritime Emigration" in English.
*"마사 바다 이민" is pronounced as "Ma-sa Bah-dah ee-min" in Hangul.
ChatGPT: What are the two letter initials for "마사 바다 이민"
The two-letter initials for "마사 바다 이민" are "MB" in English.

Note: It’s still always possible “MB” stands for “Military Base”…

February 22nd, 2024: # OMG
Could the “MB” passport code be "Sea Migrants"? "Migrants Sea"? Migrants Bada? MIGRATION SEA / SEA MIGRATION?

제5조 (이민여권) ①이민을 목적으로 하는 여권(이하 “移民旅券”이라 한다)은 해외이주법에 의한 보건사회부장관의 이주허가를 받은 자(이하 “海外移住者”라 한다)에게 발급한다.

Article 5 (Immigration Passport)
① A passport intended for immigration (hereinafter referred to as "immigration passport") shall be issued to those who have obtained immigration approval from the Minister of Health and Welfare pursuant to the Overseas Emigration Act (hereinafter referred to as "overseas emigrants").

The word "sea" in Hangul is "바다" (pronounced as "bada").

Could “MB” mean:

“Migration / Migrant Sea or Sea Migration / Migrant”?

Both “Sea” and “Ocean” in Korean are pronounced “Bada” - Bada Boom Bada Bing “MB”???

"마사 바다 이민" translates to "Maritime Emigration" in English.

*"마사 바다 이민" is pronounced as "Ma-sa Bah-dah ee-min" in Hangul.

We can't confirm what “MB” means yet, but at least these are fun possibilities for what “MB” means!


Korea’s Late 1964 Passport Law:
Passport Act Enforcement Regulations[Enacted on September 10, 1964] [Ministry of Foreign Affairs Decree No. 39, September 10, 1964, Partial Amendment]



[시행 1964. 9. 10.] [외무부령 제39호, 1964. 9. 10., 일부개정]

외교부(여권과), 02-2002-0133

 제1조 (신청서등의 서식) 여권법시행령(以下 令이라 한다) 제1조제1항제1호, 동 제2조제2항제1호 및 동 제3조제3항의 규정에 의한 여권발급신청서, 관용여권발급신청서 및 외교관여권발급신청서는 별지 제1호서식에<%생략:서식1%> 의하여 영 제5조제1호의 규정에 의한 기재사항변경신청서는 별지 제2호서식에<%생략:서식2%> 의하여 각각 작성하여야 한다.

 제2조 (재정보증서등) ①영 제1조제1항제4호의 규정에 의한 행선국으로부터의 여행목적 및 이에 필요한 비용을 확인 및 보증하는 증빙서류에는 다음 각호의 사항을 기재하고 공증인의 공증을 받아야 한다. <개정 1963. 10. 1.>

1. 보증자와 피보증자의 관계 또는 보증의 이유

2. 피보증자의 체류비용을 포함하는 소요여비를 당해국의 법화로 부담한다는 뜻의 의사표시

②행선국으로부터 여비의 일부만을 부담하거나 자비로 여행하는 경우에는 정부에서 발행하는 외환매입허가서를 여권발급권자에게 제출하여야 한다.

제3조 (공무여행의 증명) 영 제2조제2항제4호의 규정에 의한 공무여행을 증명하는 서류는 공무원해외출장규정 제3조의 규정에 의하여 여행이 허가되었음을 증명하는 서류이어야 한다.

제4조 (외교관여권의 발급대상자) 영 제3조제2항의 규정에 의하여 그 시행목적과 신분에 비추어 외교관여권의 발급이 필요하다고 인정되는 자는 다음과 같다.

1. 대통령

2. 국회의장

3. 대법원장

4. 국무총리

5. 외무부장관

6. 전대통령

7. 전 각호의 1에 해당하는 자의 배우자 직계비속 및 그 동반이 필요하다고 인정되는 수행원

[전문개정 1964. 9. 10.]



Passport Act Enforcement Regulations

[Enacted on September 10, 1964] [Ministry of Foreign Affairs Decree No. 39, September 10, 1964, Partial Amendment]

Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Passport Division), 02-2002-0133

Article 1 (Application Forms) Passport application forms, official passport application forms, and diplomatic passport application forms under Article 1(1) of the Passport Act Enforcement Regulations (hereinafter referred to as "Regulations"), Article 2(1) and Article 3(3) shall be prepared in accordance with the formats attached as Annex 1<%Omitted: Form 1%> and Annex 2<%Omitted: Form 2%>, respectively, as per the provisions of Article 5(1).

Article 2 (Financial Guarantees)① Proof of purpose of travel and necessary expenses from the destination country under Article 1(4) of the English version of the Regulations must specify and be notarized for the following:

Relationship between guarantor and the guaranteed or reason for guarantee

Expression of intention that the expenses, including the subsistence expenses of the guaranteed, will be borne in the currency of the destination country

② In cases where only a portion of the travel expenses is covered or the travel is voluntary, an exchange permit issued by the government must be submitted to the passport issuer.

Article 3 (Proof of Official Travel) Documents proving official travel under Article 2(4) of the English version of the Regulations must demonstrate that the travel has been authorized according to the regulations for overseas business trips of government officials under Article 3.

Article 4 (Recipients of Diplomatic Passports) Individuals recognized as needing diplomatic passports in accordance with the purpose and status under Article 3(2) of the English version of the Regulations are as follows:

  • President

  • Speaker of the National Assembly

  • Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

  • Prime Minister

  • Minister of Foreign Affairs

  • Former President

  • Spouse, direct descendants, and accompanying personnel recognized as necessary for individuals corresponding to each of the above

[Revision of the entire text on September 10, 1964]


제5조 (이민여권) ①이민을 목적으로 하는 여권(이하 “移民旅券”이라 한다)은 해외이주법에 의한 보건사회부장관의 이주허가를 받은 자(이하 “海外移住者”라 한다)에게 발급한다.

②해외이주자가 이민여권을 발급받고자 할 때에는 다음 각호의 서류를 여권발급권자에게 제출하여야 한다.

1. 여권발급신청서.

2. 보건사회부장관의 해외이주허가서.

3. 납세필증 또는 비과세대상증명서(入養孤兒의 경우는 제외한다).

4. 영 제1조제2항의 규정에 의한 사진.

5. 기타 여권발급권자가 특히 필요하다고 인정하는 서류.

[본조신설 1963. 10. 1.]
[종전 제5조는 제8조로 이동<1963. 10. 1.>]

제6조 (회수여권발급대상자등) ①특정한 외국에의 수차 왕복을 목적으로 하는 여권(이하 “回數旅券”이라 한다)은 다음 각호의 1에 해당하는 자에게 발급한다.

1. 국영기업체의 임원과 해외지점근무직원 및 그 가족.

2. 수출, 수입 또는 외자도입에 관련되는 국내기업체의 임원.

3. 외항선을 보유하고 있는 항공, 선박회사의 임원과 승무원.

4. 국내언론기관의 임원.

5. 중앙관서의 장이 국가이익상 특정한 외국에의 수차 왕복이 필요하다고 인정하여 추천하는 자.

6. 정부의 위촉을 받아 빈번하게 국제회의에 참가하는 자.

7. 공보부장관이 추천하는 정기간행물을 발행하는 법인 또는 단체의 해외상임 특파원 및 그 가족.

8. 상공부에 등록된 수출 또는 수입상사의 해외지점 근무자 및 그 가족.

9. 재외국민으로서 거주국의 영주권을 취득한 자 및 이에 준하는 자.

②전항 각호의 1에 해당하는 자가 회수여권을 발급받고자 할 때에는 영 제1조제1항의 서류 이외에 다음 각호의 서류를 외무부장관에게 제출하여야 한다.

1. 전항 각호의 1에 해당하는 자임이 증명하는 서류.

2. 외국을 수차 왕복할 필요성을 설명하는 여행계획서 및 이에 관한 증빙서류.

[본조신설 1963. 10. 1.]
[종전 제6조는 제9조로 이동<1963. 10. 1.>]


Article 5 (Immigration Passport) ① Passports intended for immigration (hereinafter referred to as "immigration passports") shall be issued to individuals who have received immigration approval from the Minister of Health and Welfare under the Immigration Control Act (hereinafter referred to as "overseas immigrants").

*Paperslip Note: A different translation of this text that refers to “immigration passports” translates this to “MIGRANT” passports.

EDIT - see text explanation at top of the page - could “MB” stand for “Migration or Migrant Bada”? Migration or Migrant Sea? Sea Migration / Migrant?

So we do not know if possibly the “M” in “MB” may refer to “MIGRANT”. However, it’s equally possible that the “M” in “MB” may stand for “MULTIPLE”. We do not know what “B” stands for.

② When an overseas immigrant wishes to obtain an immigration passport, the following documents must be submitted to the passport issuer:

  • Passport application form.

  • Immigration approval from the Minister of Health and Welfare.

  • Tax payment certificate or tax exemption certificate (excluding for adopted orphans).

  • Photograph as per the provisions of Article 1(2) of the English version.

  • Other documents deemed necessary by the passport issuer.

  • [This clause was added on October 1, 1963.]

  • [Previous Article 5 was moved to Article 8 on October 1, 1963.]

Article 6 (Multiple-Entry Passport Recipients, etc.) ① Passports intended for repeated round trips to specific foreign countries (hereinafter referred to as "multiple-entry passports") shall be issued to individuals falling under each of the following subparagraphs:

  • Executives and expatriate employees of state-owned enterprises and their families.

  • Executives of domestic companies involved in export, import, or foreign currency importation.

  • Executives and crew members of airlines and shipping companies owning foreign routes.

  • Executives of domestic media organizations.

  • Individuals recommended by the head of a central agency for frequent round trips to specific foreign countries for national interests.

  • Individuals appointed by the government to frequently participate in international conferences.

  • Correspondents stationed abroad and their families from corporations or organizations recommended by the Minister of Public Information, issuing regular publications.

  • Employees and their families working at overseas branches of export or import companies registered with the Ministry of Commerce, Industry, and Energy.

  • Overseas Koreans who have acquired permanent residency in the host country or equivalent status.

  • ② When individuals falling under each subparagraph of the preceding paragraph wish to obtain a multiple-entry passport, they must submit the following documents to the Minister of Foreign Affairs in addition to the documents specified in Article 1(1) of the English version:

  • Documents proving eligibility under each subparagraph of the preceding paragraph.

  • Travel plans explaining the need for repeated trips to foreign countries and related supporting documents.

  • [This clause was added on October 1, 1963.]

  • [Previous Article 6 was moved to Article 9 on October 1, 1963.]


제7조 (회수여권의 유효기간) ①회수여권의 유효기간은 2년으로 한다.

②회수여권의 유효기간의 연장을 받고자 하는 자는 영 제5조제4호의 서류이외에 전조제2항의 서류를 제출하여야 한다.

[본조신설 1963. 10. 1.] 

 제8조 (유효기간의 연장) 영 제6조제1항 단서의 규정에 의하여 여권의 유효기간의 연장을 1회에 2년까지로 할 수 있는 자는 다음 각호와 같다.

1. 해외유학생

2. 재외국민으로서 영주할 목적으로 외국에 체류하는 자

3. 이민으로 출국한 자

4. 외국인과 결혼하여 출국한 자

5. 외국인에게 입양하여 출국한 자

[제5조에서 이동<1963. 10. 1.>] 

제9조 (여권에 갈음하는 증명서의 발급) 여권발급권자는 다음 각호의 1에 해당하는 자에 대하여는 여권법 제10조의 규정에 의하여 여권에 갈음하는 증명서를 발급할 수 있다.

1. 영주할 목적으로 귀국하는 재외국민

2. 출국하는 무국적자

3. 외무부장관이 특히 필요하다고 인정하는 자

[제6조에서 이동<1963. 10. 1.>]

   부      칙 <외무부령 제28호, 1962. 5. 4.>

본영은 공포한 날로부터 시행한다.

   부      칙 <외무부령 제37호, 1963. 10. 1.>

①이 영은 공포한 날로부터 시행한다.

②이 영 시행전에 발급된 회수여권은 이 영에 의하여 발급된 것으로 본다.

   부      칙 <외무부령 제39호, 1964. 9. 10.>

이 영은 공포한 날로부터 시행한다.

 [별지 제1호서식] 여권발급신청서   

 [별지 제2호서식] 관보수록생략   


Article 7 (Validity Period of Multiple-Entry Passports) ① The validity period of multiple-entry passports shall be two years.

② Individuals wishing to extend the validity period of a multiple-entry passport must submit documents specified in the preceding clause, in addition to the documents specified in Article 5(4) of the English version.

[This clause was added on October 1, 1963.]

Article 8 (Extension of Validity Period) Individuals who can extend the validity period of a passport up to two years at a time under the provisions of Article 6(1) clause are as follows:

  • Overseas students

  • Individuals residing abroad with the purpose of permanent residency

  • Individuals emigrating

  • Individuals departing after marrying a foreigner

  • Individuals departing after adopting a foreigner

  • [Moved from Article 5 on October 1, 1963.]

Article 9 (Issuance of Certificates Equivalent to Passports) The passport issuer may issue certificates equivalent to passports to individuals falling under each of the following subparagraphs according to the provisions of Article 10 of the Passport Act:

*Paperslip note: This is referring to Travel Certificates

  • Overseas Koreans returning with the intention of permanent residency

  • Stateless individuals departing the country *(Paperslip Note: This would be Korean Adoptees)

  • Individuals recognized as necessary by the Minister of Foreign Affairs

  • [Moved from Article 6 on October 1, 1963.]

Supplementary Provision <Ministry of Foreign Affairs Decree No. 28, May 4, 1962>

This regulation shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.

Supplementary Provision <Ministry of Foreign Affairs Decree No. 37, October 1, 1963>

① This regulation shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.

② Multiple-entry passports issued before the enforcement of this regulation shall be considered as issued under this regulation.

Supplementary Provision <Ministry of Foreign Affairs Decree No. 39, September 10, 1964>

This regulation shall enter into force on the date of its promulgation.

[Annex Form No. 1] Passport Application Form

[Annex Form No. 2] Omitted from Gazette Recording