*While this website is mostly geared toward Adoptees who were adopted through the Korean Adoption Agency Korea Social Service (KSS), there is also information here which is relevant to ALL Korean Adoptees, regardless of their Korean Adoption Agency. Please read carefully to note what info. is purely relevant to KSS Adoptees and what is generally relevant to ALL Korean Adoptees. This page is relevant to ALL Korean Adoptees.
1961 Korean Passport Law.
This Is Korea’s FIRST Official Passport Law.
Source credit: Chang Seon Kim
Please Note: Korea’s First Passport Law was created on Dec 31st 1961, and was effective from Jan 20th, 1962. Below is the complete law in alternating Korean and our English ChatGPT translation. We have bolded relevant items.
It’s important to note that there is NO mention of Korean Adoptees, orphans, or even children in Korea’s First Passport Law of 1961. It is interesting that the “MB” numbers which were assigned to passports issued between 1965-1974 for apparently ALL Korean Adoptees do not show up until 1965 - subsequent Korean Passport Laws and Amendments begin to mention terms such as “adopted”, “orphan”, “child” - and perhaps significantly - “military office”. However, none of those terms appear in Korea’s First Passport Law of 1961.
[시행 1962. 1. 20.] [법률 제940호, 1961. 12. 31., 제정]
외교부(여권과), 02-2002-0133
제1조 (목적) 본법은 여권의 발급, 효력 기타 여권에 관하여 필요한 사항을 규정함을 목적으로 한다.
제2조 (여권의 소지) 외국에 여행하고자 하는 국민은 본법의 규정에 의하여 발급된 여권을 소지하여야 한다.
제3조 (여권의 종류) 여권은 일반여권, 관용여권 및 외교관여권으로 나눈다.
제4조 (발급권자) 여권은 국내에 있어서는 외무부장관, 국외에 있어서는 영사(以下 旅券發給權者라 한다)가 발급한다. 단, 영사는 외교관여권을 발급할 수 없다.
Passport Act
[Enforcement: January 20, 1962] [Law No. 940, Enacted on December 31, 1961]
Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Passport Division), 02-2002-0133
Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of this Act is to regulate matters related to the issuance, validity, and other necessary matters concerning passports.
Article 2 (Possession of Passport)
Citizens intending to travel abroad must possess a passport issued in accordance with the provisions of this Act.
Article 3 (Types of Passports)
Passports are divided into ordinary passports, official passports, and diplomatic passports.
*Paperslip Note: There is no category for “MB” here.
Article 4 (Issuing Authority)
Passports are issued by the Minister of Foreign Affairs domestically and by consulates abroad (hereinafter referred to as "issuing authorities"). However, consulates cannot issue diplomatic passports.
제5조 (여권발급의 신청) 여권의 발급을 받고자 하는 자는 각령의 정하는 바에 의하여 여권발급권자에게 발급을 신청하여야 한다.
제6조 (기재사항변경) 여권의 발급을 받은 자는 그가 발급받은 여권의 기재사항을 변경할 필요가 생겼을 때에는 여권발급권자에게 그 기재사항의 변경을 신청할 수 있다.
제7조 (재발급) 여권의 발급을 받은 자는 그가 발급받은 여권을 분실 또는 소실 하였거나 현저하게 훼손하였을 때에는 여권발급권자에게 여권발급을 재신청할 수 있다.
제8조 (여권의 발급등의 제한) ①여권발급권자는 다음 각호의1에 해당하는 자에 대하여는 여권의 발급 또는 기재사항의 변경이나 재발급을 거부할 수 있다.
1. 여행목적국의 법규에 의하여 입국이 거부되어 있는 자
2. 형사사건으로 기소되어 있는 자
3. 제13조제1항 또는 제2항각호의 1에 해당하는 죄를 범하여 형의 선고를 받고 그 집행이 종료되지 아니하거나 그 집행을 받지 아니하기로 확정되지 아니한 자
4. 전호이외에 금고이상의 형의 선고를 받고 그 집행이 종료되지 아니하거나 그 집행을 받지 아니하기로 확정되지 아니한 자
5. 대한민국의 이익이나 공공의 안전을 현저히 해할 상당한 이유가 있다고 인정되는 자
②외무부장관이 전항제5호의 규정에 의한 인정을 하려고 할 때에는 미리 법무부장관과 협의하여야 한다.
Article 5 (Application for Passport Issuance)
Those who wish to obtain a passport must apply for issuance to the passport issuing authority according to the provisions specified by Presidential Decree.
Article 6 (Change of Passport Information)
Individuals who have received a passport may apply to the passport issuing authority to change the information on their passport when necessary.
Article 7 (Reissue)
Individuals who have received a passport may reapply for passport issuance to the passport issuing authority in the event of loss, destruction, or significant damage to the passport.
Article 8 (Restrictions on Passport Issuance, etc.)
① The passport issuing authority may refuse to issue a passport, change passport information, or reissue a passport to individuals falling under any of the following subparagraphs:
Individuals denied entry into the destination country based on its laws and regulations.
Individuals indicted in criminal cases.
Individuals convicted of offenses specified in Article 13, Paragraph 1 or Paragraph 2, Subparagraph 1, who have not completed the execution of their sentences or have not been exempted from execution.
Individuals other than those mentioned above who have received a sentence of imprisonment without prison labor or heavier, and whose execution has not been completed or has not been exempted from execution.
Individuals recognized to significantly harm the interests of the Republic of Korea or public safety.
② When the Minister of Foreign Affairs intends to make a determination under subparagraph 5 of the preceding paragraph, prior consultation with the Minister of Justice must be conducted.
제9조 (여권의 효력) 여권은 다음 각호의1에 해당하는 경우에는 그 효력을 상실한다.
1. 여권의 유효기간이 만료되었을 때
2. 여권의 발급을 받은 자가 상당한 사유없이 발급을 받은 날로부터 6월이내에 출국하지 아니하였을 때
3. 여권의 명의인이 귀국하였을 때. 단, 특정한 외국을 수차 왕복할 필요가 있다고 외무부장관이 특히 인정한 자에 대하여 발급한 여권은 예외로 한다.
4. 여권을 분실하거나 소실하여 그 명의인이 각령의 정하는 바에 의하여 신고하였을 때
5. 여권의 발급 또는 재발급의 신청을 위하여 반납된 여권에 있어서는 신청한 여권이 발급 또는 재발급되었을 때
제10조 (여권을 대신하는 증명서) ①여권발급권자가 특히 필요하다고 인정할 때에는 여권에 대신할 수 있는 증명서를 발급할 수 있다.
②전항의 규정에 의한 증명서의 발급 및 효력에 관하여는 제5조 내지 전조의 규정을 준용한다.
제11조 (반납) ①여권발급권자는 다음 각호의 1에 해당하는 사유가 있는 경우에 여권을 반납시킬 필요가 있다고 인정할 때에는 여권의 명의인에 대하여 기간을 정하여 여권의 반납을 명할 수 있다.
1. 여권의 명의인이 제8조제1항각호의1에 해당하는 자임이 당해여권의 발급, 기재사항의 변경 또는 재발급후에 판명된 때
2. 여권의 명의인이 당해여권의 발급, 기재사항의 변경 또는 재발급후에 제8조제1항각호의 1에 해당하게된 때
3. 착오 또는 과실로 인하여 여권을 발급하였거나 기재사항의 변경 또는 재발급을 한 때
②제8조제2항의 규정은 여권의 명의인이 전항제1호 또는 제2호의 경우에 있어서 제8조제1항제5호에 해당하는 여부를 인정하려고 할 때에 준용한다.
③여권의 명의인이 현재 소지하고 있는 여권이 제9조각호의 1에 해당하여 효력을 상실한 경우에는 각령의 정하는 바에 의하여 지체없이 이를 반납하여야 한다.
④외교관여권 및 관용여권의 명의인이 반납하여야 할 여권을 보존할 것을 원하는 때에는 그 반납을 받은 행정관청은 그 여권에 소인하여 이를 그 여권의 명의인이 보존하게 할 수 있다.
Article 9 (Validity of Passport)
Passports lose their validity under the following circumstances:
When the expiration date of the passport has passed.
When the passport holder fails to depart within six months from the date of issuance without significant reason.
When the individual named in the passport returns to the country. However, passports issued specifically for individuals recognized by the Minister of Foreign Affairs as needing to make multiple round trips to a particular foreign country are exempted.
When the passport is lost or destroyed, and the holder reports it according to the provisions specified by Presidential Decree.
When a passport that has been returned for the purpose of applying for issuance or reissue is issued or reissued.
Article 10 (Certificate Replacing Passport)
① The passport issuing authority may issue a certificate that can replace a passport when deemed necessary.
② The issuance and validity of the certificate under the preceding paragraph shall be governed by the provisions of Articles 5 through 9.
Article 11 (Return)
① When there are reasons to believe that the passport should be returned due to the following circumstances, the passport issuing authority may specify a period for the return of the passport to the holder:
When the holder of the passport is found to fall under subparagraph 1 of Article 8, Paragraph 1, after the issuance, modification of information, or reissuance of the passport.
When the holder of the passport falls under subparagraph 1 of Article 8, Paragraph 1, after the issuance, modification of information, or reissuance of the passport.
When the passport was issued, modified, or reissued due to error or negligence.
② The provisions of Article 8, Paragraph 2 shall apply mutatis mutandis when determining whether the holder of the passport falls under subparagraph 5 of Article 8, Paragraph 1, in the cases specified in the preceding paragraph.
③ When the passport holder's currently possessed passport loses its validity under the provisions of Article 9, Subparagraph 1, they must promptly return it according to the provisions specified by Presidential Decree.
④ When holders of diplomatic passports or official passports wish to preserve passports that should be returned, the administrative agency receiving the return may endorse the passport so that the holder can keep it.
제12조 (수수료) 여권의 발급 또는 기재사항의 변경이나 재발급을 받은 자는 각령의 정하는 바에 의하여 수수료를 납부하여야 한다. 단, 관용여권과 외교관여권에 대하여는 예외로 한다.
제13조 (벌칙) ①제2조의 규정에 위반하여 정당한 여권없이 외국에 여행한 자는 밀항단속법에 의하여 처벌한다.
②다음 각호의 1에 해당하는 자는 1년이하의 징역 또는 50만환이하의 벌금에 처한다.
1. 여권의 발급신청을 위하여 제출한 서류에 허위의 사실을 기재하였거나 기타 부정한 행위로 여권의 발급 또는 기재사항변경이나 재발급을 받은 자
2. 타인 명의의 여권을 행사한 자
3. 행사할 목적으로 여권을 타인에게 양도 또는 대여하였거나 타인 명의의 여권을 양도 또는 대여 받은 자
4. 제11조제1항의 규정에 의하여 여권반납의 명령을 받고 정당한 사유없이 소정기간내에 반납하지 아니한 자
5. 효력을 상실한 여권을 행사한 자
제14조 (몰취) 여권발급권자는 제13조제2항각호에 해당하는 자가 소지한 여권을 몰취할 수 있다.
제15조 (시행령) 여권의 발급, 유효기간 기타 본법 시행에 관하여 필요한 사항은 각령으로 정한다.
①(시행기일) 본법은 단기4295년 1월 20일부터 시행한다.
②(폐지법령) 외국여권규칙은 폐지한다.
③(경과규정) 본법 시행 당시에 이미 발급된 여권이나 여권을 대신하는 증명서는 본법에 의하여 발급된 것으로 본다.
Article 12 (Fees)
Individuals who receive passport issuance, modification of passport information, or reissuance must pay fees as specified by Presidential Decree. However, exemptions are provided for official passports and diplomatic passports.
Article 13 (Penalties)
① Individuals who travel abroad without a valid passport in violation of Article 2 shall be punished according to the laws on preventing stowaways.
② The following individuals shall be subject to imprisonment for up to one year or a fine of up to 500,000 won:
Those who provide false information in documents submitted for passport issuance or engage in other fraudulent acts to obtain passport issuance, modification of passport information, or reissuance.
Those who use a passport under another person's name.
Those who transfer or lend a passport to another person for use or receive the transfer or lending of a passport under another person's name for use.
Those who fail to return a passport within the specified period without justifiable reason after receiving an order to return the passport under Article 11, Paragraph 1.
Those who use a passport that has lost its validity.
Article 14 (Confiscation)
The passport issuing authority may confiscate passports held by individuals falling under the categories specified in Article 13, Paragraph 2.
Article 15 (Enforcement Decree)
Necessary matters concerning the issuance, validity period, and other enforcement of this Act shall be prescribed by Presidential Decree.
Supplementary Provisions <Law No. 940, December 31, 1961>
① (Effective Date) This Act shall come into force on January 20, 1962.
② (Repeal of Previous Laws) The Foreign Passport Regulations shall be repealed.
③ (Transitional Measures) Passports already issued or certificates replacing passports at the time of the enforcement of this Act shall be considered as issued under this Act.
The 1961 Korean Passport Law - From A Different Online Source.
This Is Korea’s FIRST Official Passport Law.
Please note that this is a version of Korea’s 1961 Passport Law which we found earlier than the Korean version above. We consider the Korean version above to be more reliable, as it was not already translated to English.
However, we have chosen to retain this OTHER version of Korea’s 1961 Passport Law in case there are any notable translation differences which may be interesting or provide any clues to the questions we are asking about Korean passport law in relation to Korean Adoptees.
*What is highly notable about Korea’s FIRST Passport Law is that there does not appear to be any mention of orphans, Adoptees, stateless persons, or “military office” - terms which appear in later revisions to the original 1961 Korean Passport Law by 1975.
“Article 1 (Purpose)
The purpose of this Act is to provide policies and procedures concerning the issuance and effect of passport, and any other - necessary matters relating thereto.
Article 2 (Bearing of Passport)
A national traveling abroad shall bear a passport issued in accordance with the provisions of this Act.
Article 3 (Types of Passports)
Passports shall be classified into an ordinary passport, an official passport and a diplomatic passport, and again each into single passport (it defines a passport effective for proceeding. abroad only once) and a multiple passport (it defines a passport effective for proceeding abroad without limitation to the times of proceeding abroad until expiration of the period of validity; hereinafter the same).
(This Article Wholly Amended by Law No. 3605, Dec. 31, 1982)
*Paperslip Note: There is no reference here to “MB” or how an “MB” passport classification could fall under the “ordinary”, “official”, “diplomatic”, or “single” passport categories.
Article 4 (Authority to Issue Passports)
A passport shall be issued by the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
(This Article Wholly Amended by Law No. 3605, Dec. 31, 1982)
Article. 5 (Application for Issuance of Passports)
A person who wishes an issuance of a passport shall submit an application to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, in accordance with the provisions of the Presidential Decree.
(Amended by Law No. 3605, Dec. 31, 1982)
Article 6 (Alteration of Entries of Passport)
A person who has obtained a passport may, when. it. becomes necessary to change the entries of the passport, apply for a change of the said entries to the Minister of Foreign Affairs.
(Amended by Law No. 3605, Dec. 31, 1982)
Article 6 – 2
(1) A person who has obtained a passport may apply for an extension on the term of validity to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
(2) Length of the validity period, along with any other matters of importance concerning the extension on the validity term of the passport under clause #1, is to be decided by Presidential decree.
Article 7 (Reissuance)
A. person who has obtained a passport may, if the passport has been lost, seriously damaged or destroyed, or in such case as approved by, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, apply for the reissuance of the passport.
(This Article Wholly Amended. by Law No. 3605, Dec. 31,1982)
Article 8 (Restriction on Issuance of Passport)
(1) The Minister of Foreign may refuse the issuance, reissuance of a passport, alteration of the entries of a passport to an appplicant who falls under any of the following Subparagraphs.
(Amended by Law No. 3605, Dec. 31, 1982)
1. A person whose admission into the country to be visited is denied under the laws or regulations in force of that country;
2. A person under prosecution for a criminal act;
3. A person who, having been sentenced for committing a crime falling under any of the Subparagraphs of article 13(1), (2) or (3), does not have the execution of the sentence completed or is freed therefrom, and a person who, having been sentenced to a fine for committing a crime falling under any of the Subparagraphs of Articles 13-2(1) or (2), does not complete the payment of the fine or is not freed therefrom;
4. A person other than those mentioned in Subparagraph 3 who having been sentenced to not less than the imprisonment, does not have the execution of the sentence completed or is not freed therefrom;
5. A person who is considered to have sufficient grounds for representing serious harm to the national interst or public safety of the Republic of Korea.
(2) When determining a case mentioned under Paragraph 1(5), the Minister of Foreign Affairs shall have prior consultation with the Minister of Justice.
(3) With respect to a person who falls under any of the following Subparagraphs, the Minister of Foreign Affairs may impose restriction on the issuance or alteration of the entries of a passport for a period of one year to five years from the date the case occurs:
1. A person who, falling under Paragraph 1(3), has the execution of the sentence or the payment of the fine completed;
2. A person who has compromised national dignity by such an act as violating the laws of a country visited.
Article 9 (Validity of Passport)
A passport shall cease to have its validity, in the case falling under any of the following Subparagraphs:
(Amended by Law No. 3376, Feb. 28, 1981; Law No. 3605, Dec. 31 1982)
1. Upon expiration of the period of validity of a passport;
2. Despite the regulation stipulated on no. 1 of clause 1, an extension on the passport validity period can be granted within one year after the expiration date under the regulation stipulated in clause 1 of article 6-2. In such a case, the term of validity on the extended passport shall be deemed effective on the effective on the day the extension was granted by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
3. Regulation stipulated on clause 2 of Article 6-2 is to be applied in the case of clause 2.
4. When the bearer of a passport has, in accordance with the provisions of a Presidential Decreee, reported that his passport has been lost or burnt;
5. When the passport applied for is issued or reissued, with respect to a passport returned for the purpose of application for issuance or reissuance.
Article 10 (Travel Document Serving as Passport)
(1) The Minister of Foreign Affairs may issue a travel document serving as a passport (hereinafter referred to as "a travel certificate") to a person for whom a need for it is particularly recognized.
(2) The provisions of Articles 5 to 9 shall apply mutatis mutandis to the issuance and validity of the travel certificate pursuant to the provision of Paragraph (1).
(Amended by Law No. 3605, Dec. St, 1982)
Article 11 (Return of Passport)
(1) In the case coming under any of the following Subparagraphs, the Minister of Foreign Affairs may, when he determines the need for return of a passport, order its bearer to return it by the date specified:
1. When it is found after issuance, reissuance of a passport or alteration of the entries of a passport that its bearer is a person falling under any of the Subparagraphs of Article 8(l).
2. When a bearer of a passport falls under any of the Subparagraphs of Article 8(1), after issuance, reissuance of the passport or alteration of the entries of the passport;
3. When the issuance, reissuance of a passport or the alteration of the entries of a passport has been made by mistake or error.
(2) In the case of Paragraph (1)1 or 2 the provisions of Article 8(2), shall apply mutatis mutandis when making a decision whether or not a bearer of a passport falls under Article 8(1)5.
(3) A bearer of a valid passport shall, when he applies for a new passport, return the passport he bears.
(Amended by Law No. 3605, Dec. 31, 1982)
(4) When the bearer of a passport wishes to retain his passport which should otherwise be returned, the Minister of Foreign Affairs to whom it was returned may permit the bearer to retain the passport after affixing a cancellation stamp on it.
(Amended by Law No. 3376, Feb. 28, 1982; Law No. 3605, Dec. 31, 1982)
Article 12 (Fees)
The person who obtained the issuance, reissuance of a passport or alteration of the entries of a passport shall pay fees as prescribed by the Presidential Decree. However, this shall not apply to an official or a diplomatic passport.
Article 13 (Penal Provision)
(1) A person who has, in violation of Article 2, traveled abroad without due passport shall be punished under the provisions of the Illegal Flight Abroad Act.
(2) A person who obtained the issuance, reissuance of a passport or alteration of the entries of a passport through making a false statement in documents for application, or committing any other fraudulent acts shall be punished by penal servitude for not more than three years or by a fine of not more than seven million Won. (no.1 and no.2 conditions are deleted)
(3) A person who falls under any of the following Subparagraphs shall be punished by penal servitude for not more than two year or by a fine of not more than five million Won:
1. A person who has used a passport which bears the name of another person
2. A person who, for the purposed of having his passport used by another person, has handed over or loaned his passport to another person, or any mediatory agent involved in the exchange.
(4) A person who falls under any of the following Subparagraphs shall be punished by penal servitude for not more than two year or by a fine of not more than five million Won:
1. Deleted on 2003.5.27
2. A person who, for the purpose of using a passport which bears the name of another person, has received or borrowed a passport from another person.
3. A person who used an invalid passport.
4. A person who provided or was provided a passport as a mean to fulfill an obligation.
Article 13-2 (Fine for Negligence)
(1) A persons who, after being ordered to return his passport pursuant to the provisions of Article 11(1), has not returned it without due reason within the specified period of tine shall be subject to a fine of not more than five hundred thousand Won.
(This Article Newly Inserted by Law No. 3605, Dec. 31, 1982)
(2) Amount of the subjected fine under the regulation stipulated in clause #1 shall be determined by Presidential decree and shall be imposed and collected by the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade.
(3) A person who wishes to object to the negligence fine determined under the regulation stipulated in Clause #2, can file an objection claim to the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade within thirty days after receiving notification of the fine.
(4) A person who, under the regulation stipulated in Clause #2, has been subjected to a fine and, under the regulation stipulated in clause #3, files an objection claim to the fine, the Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade must notify the competent court about the filed claim, and the court, under the Voluntary Matters Proceedings Act, shall hold a trial concerning the fine.
(5) When a person fails to submit his/her fine without submitting an objection claim within the period stipulated under clause #3, the fine shall be collected in accordance to the case under the "Disposition of National Taxes in Arrears".
Article 14 (Confiscation)
The Minister of Foreign Affairs may confiscate the passport of any person falling under Subparagraphs of Article 13 (2) or (3) or Paragraph (1) or (2) of Article 13-2.
(This Article Wholly Amended by Law No. 3605, Dec. 31, 1982)
Article 15 (Delegation of Passport Service)
(1) With respect to the ordinary passport including the travel certificate the Minister of Foreign Affairs may, in accordacne with the provisions of the presidential Decreee, delegate the service relating to the issuance, the reissuance, the alteration of the entries and the order to return of passport (Hereinafter referred to as "issuance of the ordinary passport and the like") to the Consular Official, the Mayor of the Special City of Seoul, the mayors of the Direct Control Cities or the governors of Provinces (Hereinfater referred to as "the governor of Provinces")
(2) In case the service for the issuance of the ordinary passport and the like is conducted by the governors of Provinces pursuant to the provisions of the Paragraph (1), an applicant for an issuance of an ordinary passport and the like (the order to return is excluded) may apply also to the governors of Provinces under whose jurisdiction the domicile of the applicant does not fall.
(3) Minister of the Foreign Affairs and Trade may, under presidential decree, may allow police officers, immigration officers, customs officials, or officers under the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, metropolitan cities, and provincial governments who are responsible for the issuance of passports, to exercise the authority to confiscate passports based on the regulations of article 14.
(4) An officer who is to carry out in proxy the authority stipulated under clause #3, must present, in beforehand, a voucher that authenticates the authority that he/she is permitted to exercise to the person/persons involved.
(5) Any expenditure required during the passport issuance process executed in proxy by the governors and mayors is to be defrayed out of the national treasury.
Article 16 – Deleted 1999.9.9>
(1) (Enforcement Date) This Act shall enter into force as of January 20, 1982.
(2) (Act and Decree to be Repealed) The Regulations of Overseas Passport shall be hereby repealed.
(3) (Interim Measures) The passport or a travel document serving as a passport, already issued at the time of enforcement of this Act, shall be regarded as having been issued in accordance with this Act.
ADDENDUM (Law No. 1627, Apr. 9,1964)
This Act shall enter into force as of the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDUM (Law No. 3376, Feb. 28,1981)
This Act shall -enter into force as of the date of its promulgation.
ADDENDA (Law No. 3605, 31, 1982)
(1) (Enforcement Date) This Act shall enter into force as of January 1, 1983.
(2) (Interim Measures for Application of Penal Provision) Application of penalties to the acts committed before the enforcement of this Act shall be ruled according to the former provisions.
(3) (Interim Measures for Delegation of the Service for Issuance of an Ordinary Passport and the Like). The Minister of Foreign Affairs may, even when the governors of Provinces is delegated to conduct the service for issuance of the ordinary passport and the like pursuant to the provisions of Article 15, perform the above-mentioned service directly from the date of enforcement of this Act by the date designated by the Presidential Decree. In this case, the applicant for issuance of an ordinary passport and the like (the order to return a passport is excluded) may apply to the Minister of Foreign Affairs despite the provisions of Article 15(2).
(1) This Law shall take effect thirty days after its promulgation.
(2) Amended regulations in clause 2 and 3 of article 9, at the time when this law is to take effect, shall be applied even to those passports that have not yet passed six months after its expiration date.
(3) Penal clauses for conducts committed before this law has taken effect shall be applied in accordance to the previous regulations.
Comments: This is a translation published by the Statute Compilation and Dissemination Foundation of Korea in 1983. This Law was amended by Law No. 1627 of 9 April 1964, Law No. 3376 of 28 February 1981 and Law No. 3603 of 31 December 1982.
Disclaimer: This is not a UNHCR publication. UNHCR is not responsible for, nor does it necessarily endorse, its content. Any views expressed are solely those of the author or publisher and do not necessarily reflect those of UNHCR, the United Nations or its Member States.”