We Are Seeking Formerly Separated KSS Twins Who Have Participated In Twin Studies.

If you are or if you know of any KSS (Korea Social Service) TWINS (or TRIPLETS) who have participated in ANY STUDIES OF SEPARATED TWINS, please contact us!


We are particularly interested in locating PREVIOUSLY SEPARATED TWINS who may have been unethically REUNITED for the purpose of a SEPARATED TWIN STUDY! KSS adopted to the US, Netherlands, Denmark, and Switzerland between 1964-2012.

However we are interested in ANY KSS TWINS who have participated in ANY SEPARATED TWIN STUDY.

KSS appears to have separated twins, particularly those adopted to the US (but also possibly those adopted to Europe) almost as though by POLICY.

To date we CANNOT FIND more than
3 PAIR of KSS twins adopted TOGETHER to the US AFTER 1979. While we cannot prove this, we deeply suspect that KSS was ROUTINELY SEPARATING TWINS, for whatever reason, to be adopted through its Western Partner Adoption Agencies in the US and Europe.

*Please note that to date, while we have located previously separated KSS twins who have since reunited on their own, we have only located ONE pair of previously separated KSS twins who have participated in any study of separated twins.

If you are a previously SEPARATED and now REUNITED Korean Adoptee Twin, please DO

For a complete list of KSS’ Western Partner Adoption Agencies, please see:

KSS Partner Western Adoption Agencies


If you are a KSS Adoptee (or ANY Korean Adoptee) we strongly urge you to take ALL POSSIBLE DNA TESTS. All of the Korean Adoption Agencies separated at least SOME siblings and twins. However, we believe (but cannot prove) that KSS (Korea Social Service) was ROUTINELY SEPARATING siblings and twins, as though by POLICY - EXCEPT in cases where Western adoptive parents SPECIFICALLY REQUESTED to adopt siblings or twins TOGETHER.

We can find countless HOLT twins adopted TOGETHER, but very
FEW KSS Twins adopted together!


Often the ONLY way to find your separated twin or sibling is through DNA Testing.

We recommend that Korean Adoptees take 23 and Me and Ancestry. From Ancestry, you can transfer your raw data for FREE to FTDNA (the test distributed for free by 325Kamra) and MyHeritage.

See the DNA Testing page for more information:

DNA Testing